java Programming Glossary: factor
Is a Java hashmap really O(1)? O 1 n k which equates to O n after removal of lower order factors. The runtime may be more efficient due to the selection of.. due to the selection of a good hash algorithm and loading factor but the complexity is still very much based on the number of..
Java: maintaining aspect ratio of JPanel background image of the area . Fit Fill Basically I work with scale factors This returns the scaling factor for a particular size. I use.. I work with scale factors This returns the scaling factor for a particular size. I use this to make decisions about which.. particular size. I use this to make decisions about which factor I want to use based which algorithm I need public static double..
Hashset vs Treeset performance depends on the initial capacity and the load factor of the HashSet. It's quite safe to accept default load factor.. of the HashSet. It's quite safe to accept default load factor but you may want to specify an initial capacity that's about..
What is the memory consumption of an object in Java? overhead. In the extreme case of byte 256 1 the overhead factor is almost 19 Compare that to the C C situation in which the..
Round a double to 2 decimal places places if places 0 throw new IllegalArgumentException long factor long Math.pow 10 places value value factor long tmp Math.round.. long factor long Math.pow 10 places value value factor long tmp Math.round value return double tmp factor This breaks.. value factor long tmp Math.round value return double tmp factor This breaks down badly with a high number of decimal places..
Fastest way to determine if an integer's square root is an integer may vary especially because I don't know how the Java factor will play out. My approach is threefold First filter out obvious..
How do I set environment variables from Java? on the head. A possible way to ease the burden would be to factor out a method void setUpEnvironment ProcessBuilder builder Map..
If profiler is not the answer, what other choices do we have? savings given those samples. INSERTED And the speedup factor you get is governed by another distribution BetaPrime and its..
Should I use Java's String.format() if performance is important? performance of the two and comes ahead of format. by a factor of 5 to 6. Try it your self import import java.util.Date..
Rotating a shape vertically around the x-axis p3 is translated to the center of the panel. The 10 fudge factor applied to p3 is an artifact of having no symmetric rotation..
The art of programming: Java vs C# [closed] million ints vs a million Integer objects have revealed a factor of 3 improvement Delegates Events LINQ Extension methods First.. better IDEs particularly in the realm of code refactoring where Visual Studio without Resharper is still lagging far..
Which is better? Performing calculations in sql or in your application [closed] share improve this question It depends on a lot of factors but most crucially complexity of calculations prefer doing.. that a first draft of either is likely not 100 tuned . But factor in typical usage to that if in reality it is being called 5..
Efficiently color cycling an image in Java addition to pre computing the cycles as @Thomas comments factor out the magic number 1000. Here's a related example of Changing..
Efficiency of Java “Double Brace Initialization”? and the memory cost for the extra loaded classes may be a factor in some cases. Question 2 turned out to be most interesting..
Understanding strange Java hash function number of collisions approximately 8 at default load factor . h ^ h 20 ^ h 12 return h ^ h 7 ^ h 4 java hash share improve..