

java Programming Glossary: facesmessage

JSF 2.0 use enum in selectMany menu


package com.example import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage import javax.faces.component.UIComponent import javax.faces.context.FacesContext.. Enum value .name else throw new ConverterException new FacesMessage Value is not an enum value.getClass @Override @SuppressWarnings.. e throw new ConverterException new FacesMessage Value is not an enum of type enumType It's useable on all kinds..

Generic JSF entity converter


import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage import javax.faces.component.UIComponent import javax.faces.context.FacesContext.. catch NamingException e throw new ConverterException new FacesMessage String.format Cannot obtain InitialContext s e e try return.. value catch Exception e throw new ConverterException new FacesMessage String.format Cannot convert s to Classification s value e e..

JSF2: Exeptions while submiting to Bean


String sessionId session.getId fCtx.addMessage null new FacesMessage FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO Info getUsername getPassword return.. session.getId fCtx.addMessage null new FacesMessage FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO Info getUsername getPassword return start.xhtml.. in waiting queue... How to fix that Thank you INFO WARNUNG FacesMessage s wurde n in die Warteschlange gestellt aber möglicherweise..

Preserving FacesMessage after redirect for presentation through <h:message> in JSF


FacesMessage after redirect for presentation through h message in JSF I.. bean has an action which adds some messages to the context FacesMessage fm new FacesMessage didn't work fm.setSeverity FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR.. adds some messages to the context FacesMessage fm new FacesMessage didn't work fm.setSeverity FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR FacesContext.getCurrentInstance..

JSF 2.0 File upload


import java.io.IOException import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean import javax.faces.bean.RequestScoped.. type FacesContext.getCurrentInstance .addMessage null new FacesMessage String.format File ' s' of type ' s' successfully uploaded fileName..

File uploading using MyFaces Tomahawk + JSF 2.0


FacesContext.getCurrentInstance .addMessage null new FacesMessage String.format File ' s' of type ' s' successfully uploaded..

How to prepopulate a <h:selectOneMenu> from a DB?


NumberFormatException e throw new ConverterException new FacesMessage String.format s is not a valid User ID submittedValue e @Override.. modelValue .getId else throw new ConverterException new FacesMessage String.format s is not a valid User modelValue e please note..