java Programming Glossary: f.setaccessible
Using readClassDescriptor() and maybe resolveClass() to permit Serialization versioning f resultClassDescriptor.getClass .getDeclaredField name f.setAccessible true f.set resultClassDescriptor replacement catch Exception..
How do I read a private field in Java? .getDeclaredField stuffIWant NoSuchFieldException f.setAccessible true Hashtable iWantThis Hashtable f.get obj IllegalAccessException.. and has not been made accessible via missing out the f.setAccessible true line. The RuntimeException s which may be thrown are either..
Why is it allowed to access Java private fields via reflection? args C c new C try Field f C.class.getDeclaredField a f.setAccessible true Integer i Integer f.get c System.out.println i catch Exception..
Get subprocess id in Java of this field Field f p.getClass .getDeclaredField pid f.setAccessible true System.out.println f.get p share improve this answer..
How could I read Java Console Output into a String buffer Field f FilterOutputStream.class.getDeclaredField out f.setAccessible true OutputStream psout OutputStream f.get toLog return new..
Changing private final fields via reflection pf Field f pf.getClass .getDeclaredField s f.setAccessible true System.out.println f.get pf f.get pf f.set pf No you ™re.. pf Field f pf.getClass .getDeclaredField s f.setAccessible true System.out.println f.get pf f.get pf f.set pf No you ™re..
Java tool/method to force-kill a child process try f p.getClass .getDeclaredField handle f.setAccessible true int pid Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetProcessId Long f.get p return.. Platform.isLinux try f p.getClass .getDeclaredField pid f.setAccessible true int pid Integer f.get p return pid catch Exception ex ..
How to get SQL from Hibernate Criteria API (*not* for logging) Field f OuterJoinLoader.class.getDeclaredField sql f.setAccessible true String sql String f.get loader Wrap the entire thing in..
Accessing Java static final ivar value through reflection Field f ReflectionConstantTest.class.getDeclaredFields f.setAccessible true System.out.println f.getName f.get null Output CONST_INT..