java Programming Glossary: f.isdirectory
Location of String keys in L&F @Override public boolean accept File f return f.isDirectory f.getName .toLowerCase .endsWith .obj @Override public String..
How to add checkbox to JTree node to manage multiselection? FileNode for int k 0 k files.length k File f files k if f.isDirectory continue FileNode newNode new FileNode f boolean isAdded false..
Browse for image file and display it using Java Swing if f.getName .toLowerCase .endsWith .jpg return true if f.isDirectory return true return false public String getDescription return.. - Recreating directory structure directories and files have to be treated separately. if f.isDirectory add empty directory out.putNextEntry new ZipEntry f.getName..
How to save file using JFileChooser? extends FileFilter public boolean accept File f if f.isDirectory return false String s f.getName return s.endsWith .jpg s.endsWith..
Convert static windows library to dll @Override public boolean accept File f return f.isDirectory f.getName .matches . .h pp @Override public String getDescription..
JFileChooser, want to lock it to one directory @Override public Boolean isTraversable File f return f.isDirectory f.getName .equals SERVER int returnVal chooser.showOpenDialog..