java Programming Glossary: facescontext
@Inject to pass params to a CDI @Named bean via URL gives Jboss error on Netbeans the app WELD 001408 Unsatisfied dependencies for type FacesContext with qualifiers @Default at injection point field @Inject net.bounceme.dur.nntp.HttpParamProducer.facesContext.. WELD 001408 Unsatisfied dependencies for type FacesContext with qualifiers @Default at injection point field @Inject net.bounceme.dur.nntp.HttpParamProducer.facesContext.. import javax.faces.context.FacesContext import javax.inject.Inject public class HttpParamProducer @Inject..
JSF 1.2 Exception Handling . Exception created java.lang.RuntimeException FacesContext not found My Error Page is in WebContent sc00 ErrorPage.jsp.. share improve this question java.lang.RuntimeException FacesContext not found That will happen when you're requesting a JSP page.. FacesServlet who is the one responsible for creating the FacesContext . You need to change the error page location to match the URL..
h:inputText return a empty string instead of NULL implements Converter public Object getAsObject FacesContext facesContext UIComponent component String value if value null.. null return null return value public String getAsString FacesContext facesContext UIComponent component Object value return value..
JSF - get managed bean by name Regardless of the scope when you're actually inside the FacesContext i.e. the current HTTP request has been served through the FacesServlet.. normal JSF2 way is using Application#evaluateExpressionGet FacesContext context FacesContext.getCurrentInstance Bean bean Bean context.getApplication.. Application#evaluateExpressionGet FacesContext context FacesContext.getCurrentInstance Bean bean Bean context.getApplication .evaluateExpressionGet..
Forcing a save as dialogue from any web browser from JSF application . In JSF context you only need to ensure that you call FacesContext#responseComplete afterwards to avoid IllegalStateException s.. Kickoff example public void download throws IOException FacesContext facesContext FacesContext.getCurrentInstance ExternalContext.. void download throws IOException FacesContext facesContext FacesContext.getCurrentInstance ExternalContext externalContext facesContext.getExternalContext..
JSTL in JSF2 Facelets… makes sense? component tree which is then stored as UIViewRoot of the FacesContext . The view render time is that moment when the JSF component..
Design Patterns web based applications every Action implementation. In JSF terms this is what the FacesContext and ExternalContext classes are doing. Then there's the State..
JSF 2.0 use enum in selectMany menu import javax.faces.context.FacesContext import javax.faces.convert.Converter import javax.faces.convert.ConverterException.. @Override public String getAsString FacesContext context UIComponent component Object value if value instanceof.. rawtypes unchecked public Object getAsObject FacesContext context UIComponent component String value Class Enum enumType..
What exactly is a Context in Java? [duplicate] in an interface class e.g. Servlet's ServletContext JSF's FacesContext Spring's ApplicationContext Android's Context JNDI's InitialContext..
JSF2.0 doesn't support cross-field validation, is there a workaround? implements Validator @Override public void validate FacesContext context UIComponent component Object value throws ValidatorException..
How to prepopulate a <h:selectOneMenu> from a DB? userService @Override public Object getAsObject FacesContext context UIComponent component String submittedValue if submittedValue.. ID submittedValue e @Override public String getAsString FacesContext context UIComponent component Object modelValue if modelValue..
Is there any easy way to preprocess and redirect GET requests? class Authenticator public void check if someCondition FacesContext facesContext FacesContext.getCurrentInstance NavigationHandler.. void check if someCondition FacesContext facesContext FacesContext.getCurrentInstance NavigationHandler navigationHandler facesContext.getApplication..
@Inject to pass params to a CDI @Named bean via URL gives Jboss error on Netbeans field @Inject net.bounceme.dur.nntp.HttpParamProducer.facesContext org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException WELD 001408 Unsatisfied.. field @Inject net.bounceme.dur.nntp.HttpParamProducer.facesContext at org.jboss.weld.bootstrap.Validator.validateInjectionPoint.. public class HttpParamProducer @Inject FacesContext facesContext @Produces @HttpParam String getHttpParameter InjectionPoint..
How to generate json response from JSF? public void renderJson throws IOException FacesContext facesContext FacesContext.getCurrentInstance ExternalContext externalContext.. ExternalContext externalContext facesContext.getExternalContext externalContext.setResponseContentType application.. .write someJsonString facesContext.responseComplete But I strongly recommend to look at JAX RS..
h:inputText return a empty string instead of NULL Converter public Object getAsObject FacesContext facesContext UIComponent component String value if value null value.trim.. null return value public String getAsString FacesContext facesContext UIComponent component Object value return value null null value.toString..
Forcing a save as dialogue from any web browser from JSF application public void download throws IOException FacesContext facesContext FacesContext.getCurrentInstance ExternalContext externalContext.. ExternalContext externalContext facesContext.getExternalContext HttpServletResponse response HttpServletResponse.. buffer 0 length finally close output close input facesContext.responseComplete Important Else JSF will attempt to render the..
How to make a redirection in JSF is public void doForward ActionEvent evt FacesContext facesContext FacesContext.getCurrentInstance String redirect define the navigation.. the user to the adequate page... NavigationHandler myNav facesContext.getApplication .getNavigationHandler myNav.handleNavigation.. .getNavigationHandler myNav.handleNavigation facesContext null redirect This solution is working but I have two problems..
Is there any easy way to preprocess and redirect GET requests? public void check if someCondition FacesContext facesContext FacesContext.getCurrentInstance NavigationHandler navigationHandler.. NavigationHandler navigationHandler facesContext.getApplication .getNavigationHandler navigationHandler.handleNavigation.. .getNavigationHandler navigationHandler.handleNavigation facesContext null outcome ... This listener is guaranteed to be fired before..