java Programming Glossary: factored
Tracking down a memory leak / garbage-collection issue in Java. strings. I created a threadsafe cache hashmap and factored the references to the xpath queries to be final static Strings..
Bug or feature: Swing default gui font incorrect for Win6+ to set all relevant text fonts that's what JGoodies does factored into a FontPolicy Set . A dirty hack is to set the value of..
Do I need another method to use the ColorFactory class? The static factory ColorFactory.getInstance should be re factored to use the initialization on demand holder idiom . The code..
Java, change a cell content as a function of another cell in the same row the alternate ways to get a Double constant. I've also re factored the String constrants. Addendum In helpful comments @kleopatra..
Flood fill using a stack and can adapt it the the problem. The code is not well factored though. package blobdetector import java.awt.Point import java.awt.image.BufferedImage..
Python - Create a list with initial capacity I understand that code like this can often be re factored into a list comprehension. If the for while loop is very complicated..
JLayeredPane and painting renderer shown here is another approach. Finally I've re factored your instructive example in a way that may make experimentation..