java Programming Glossary: factors
Is a Java hashmap really O(1)? O 1 n k which equates to O n after removal of lower order factors. The runtime may be more efficient due to the selection of a..
Java: maintaining aspect ratio of JPanel background image of the area . Fit Fill Basically I work with scale factors This returns the scaling factor for a particular size. I use..
Arrays.asList() of an array is wrong with this conversion public int getTheNumber int factors ArrayList Integer f new ArrayList Arrays.asList factors Collections.sort.. factors ArrayList Integer f new ArrayList Arrays.asList factors Collections.sort f return f.get 0 f.get f.size 1 I made this.. the array copy manually public static int getTheNumber int factors List Integer f new ArrayList Integer for int factor factors..
Technique or utility to minimize Java “warm-up” time? wheel. NOTE Obviously for this solution I'm looking at all factors including chip arch disk type and configuration and OS settings...
Why java.lang.Object is not abstract? [duplicate] a stronger statement of intent. Are there any other factors which could have been adversely affected by making Object abstract..
Any recommended Java profiling tutorial? [closed] bottlenecks are more numerous this can mean substantial factors. People on Stack Overflow have reported factors from 7x to 60x... factors. People on Stack Overflow have reported factors from 7x to 60x. Here is a detailed example of 43x. The capturing..
What is microbenchmarking? is the root of all evil Donald Knuth There can be many factors that skew the result of microbenchmarks. Compiler optimizations..
Should you always Code To Interfaces In Java files in a project unless it's really worth it. What factors can I use to decide whether to code by interface or not java..
access denied ( connect,resolve) of the problem. Actually in my case there were several factors causing the security error. The problem was solved by the crossdomain.xml..
Best way to represent a fraction in Java? nonnegative integers. In other words if there are no prime factors of the denominator except for 2 and 5 or if the denominator.. if the denominator is 1 then there are no other prime factors. Note number of 2's is given by the number of trailing 0 bits..
Hibernate vs JPA vs JDO - pros and cons of each? need those vendor specific extensions. And there are other factors too like how well you your staff know the respective technologies..
System.gc() in Java garbage collection. The answer varies depending on lots of factors like which JVM you're running on which mode it's in and which..
Which is better? Performing calculations in sql or in your application [closed] share improve this question It depends on a lot of factors but most crucially complexity of calculations prefer doing complex..
How many threads can a Java VM support? support Does this vary by vendor by operating system other factors java multithreading share improve this question This depends.. are doing on what Java release you're using and other factors. I've seen a Windows server have 6500 Threads before bringing..
Getting last record from mysql structure the bottomline is unfortunately that so many factors could have altered the order of the rows I see no solution to..