

java Programming Glossary: curl

cURL equivalent in JAVA


a nutshell the code I would like to replicate in JAVA cp curl_init my_url https . AUTH_SERVER . auth authenticate.asp pt1.. . auth authenticate.asp pt1 uname pt2 pass pt4 full curl_setopt cp CURLOPT_URL my_url curl_setopt cp CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER.. uname pt2 pass pt4 full curl_setopt cp CURLOPT_URL my_url curl_setopt cp CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER 1 result curl_exec cp curl_close..

Simple RSS parser for Android [closed]


of how the feed would get fetched from the Internet curl or something internal Bonus Tips and hints on how this would..

Spring 3.2.x (Web MVC) REST API and JSON2 Post requests, how to get it right once for all?


this.getEmail this.getUsername this.getId CURL Post call curl i H Content Type application json X POST d ' id 100 username.. geowarin spring mvc examples How to post JSON to PHP with curl Spring REST MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter produces invalid.. if JSON is being returned by a REST API java json spring curl html post share improve this question CURL Post call curl..

How to use curl in Java


to use curl in Java I am a newbie in java and wanted to use curl in java... use curl in Java I am a newbie in java and wanted to use curl in java. What is my question is curl built in in java or I have.. and wanted to use curl in java. What is my question is curl built in in java or I have to install it from any 3rd party..

Http Basic Authentication in Java using HttpClient?


HttpClient I am trying to mimic the functionality of this curl command in Java curl basic user username password d http ipaddress.. to mimic the functionality of this curl command in Java curl basic user username password d http ipaddress test login I wrote..

how to call RESTful web service from android?


I know that this authentication is not good using a curl command like curl u username password X PUT http localhsot 8080.. this authentication is not good using a curl command like curl u username password X PUT http localhsot 8080 user . Now I want..

Spring 3.2.x (Web MVC) REST API and JSON2 Post requests, how to get it right once for all?


to your server side application. A jQuery Ajax call or a Curl post request can be used. Serialization protocols The most popular.. Spring. The one that is our focus here is Spring web MVC . Curl vs JQuery These are the tools you can use to make a post request.. you are planning to use JQuery ajax call I suggest you use Curl for debugging purposes as it provides you with a detailed response..