

java Programming Glossary: currentvalue

JSF 2 - Bean Validation: validation failed -> empty values are replaced with last valid values from managed bean


not be a String... return submittedValue.toString String currentValue null Object currentObj getValue component if currentObj null.. Object currentObj getValue component if currentObj null currentValue getFormattedValue context component currentObj return currentValue.. getFormattedValue context component currentObj return currentValue Normally the submitted value is set to null when the UIInput..

Retrieving HTML encoded text from XML using SAXParser


else if localName.equalsIgnoreCase title newFeed.setTitle currentValue return else if localName.equalsIgnoreCase link newFeed.setLink.. else if localName.equalsIgnoreCase link newFeed.setLink currentValue return else if localName.equalsIgnoreCase description newFeed.setDescription.. description newFeed.setDescription currentValue return else if localName.equalsIgnoreCase language newFeed.setLanguage..

Java JSlider precision problems


double otherValue for JSlider slider otherSliders int currentValue slider.getValue int updatedValue int currentValue ratio slider.setValue.. int currentValue slider.getValue int updatedValue int currentValue ratio slider.setValue updatedValue int total 0 for JSlider..