

java Programming Glossary: ct

document not saving in spring jpa document manager application


the pdf document seems to go through the following objects createOrUpdateDocumentForm.jsp omitted for brevity since it.. I will summarize relevant parts of each of these objects as follows The jsp triggers the following method in DocumentController.java.. document status.setComplete return redirect patients patientID patientId When I submit a document through..

How to use GWT 2.1 Data Presentation Widgets


your gwt.xml file inherits name 'com.google.gwt.requestfactory.RequestFactory' The following examples follow CellList of.. file inherits name 'com.google.gwt.requestfactory.RequestFactory' The following examples follow CellList of TextCells with.. .add new HTML hr CellTable CellTable String ct new CellTable String ct.setPageSize 2 lva.addView ct add a..

Combine multiple Collections into a single logical Collection?


multiple Collections into a single logical Collection Assume I have a constant.. multiple Collections into a single logical Collection Assume I have a constant number of collections e.g. 3 ArrayLists.. Collection Assume I have a constant number of collections e.g. 3 ArrayLists as members of a class. Now I want to expose..

How does one record audio from a Javascript based webapp?


My targeted browsers are Firefox for PC and Mac so no ActiveX . Please share your experiences with this. I gather it can.. flog you their media server but the Red5 open source project might be suitible for your project http osflash.org red5 I think.. Red5 open source project might be suitible for your project http osflash.org red5 I think Java is going to be more suitible...