

java Programming Glossary: cur

Java clock isn't counting in Swing


toggle if timer.isRunning stopWatch.endTime System.currentTimeMillis timer.stop else stopWatch.startTime System.currentTimeMillis.. timer.stop else stopWatch.startTime System.currentTimeMillis timer.start if e.getSource timer long time.. isRunning false public void start startTime System.currentTimeMillis isRunning true public void end endTime System.currentTimeMillis..

What's the purpose behind wildcards and how are they different from generics?


List extends Animal animals int retVal 0 for Animal cur animals retVal cur.countLegs return retVal With this signature.. Animal animals int retVal 0 for Animal cur animals retVal cur.countLegs return retVal With this signature you can do this..

Android: how to access the SIM contact table using the SDK?


trying to use this query to read the contacts on the SIM. cur managedQuery Uri.parse content icc adn null null null null.. works fine Uri simUri Uri.parse content icc adn Cursor cursorSim this.getContentResolver .query simUri null null null null.. .query simUri null null null null while cursorSim.moveToNext listName. add cursorSim.getString cursorSim.getColumnIndex..

How can i check to see if my sqlite table has data in it?


somthing might be wrong with my query or my use of the cursor.. I've created a table and i want to check if its empty or.. createCATBUDTAB db.execSQL createTWOWEETAB try Cursor cur db.rawQuery SELECT COUNT FROM CAT_BUD_TAB null if cur.getCount.. cur db.rawQuery SELECT COUNT FROM CAT_BUD_TAB null if cur.getCount 0 Log.i DB getCount getcount greater than 0 log message..

Hibernate native query - char(3) column


CHAR 3 When I do Query q2 em.createNativeQuery select sc_cur_code sc_amount from sector_costs q2.setMaxResults 10 List Object.. rs2 q2.getResultList for Object o rs2 System.out.println cur o 0 I see cur E and cur U instead of cur EUR and cur USD o 0.. for Object o rs2 System.out.println cur o 0 I see cur E and cur U instead of cur EUR and cur USD o 0 is a java.lang.Character..

How can I get the memory location of a object in java?


long objectAddress int num for long i 0 i num i int cur unsafe.getByte objectAddress i System.out.print char cur System.out.println.. cur unsafe.getByte objectAddress i System.out.print char cur System.out.println But not portable across JVMs or even different..

Reading and Writing to a DVD/CD - Java [closed]


String recorderUniqueId null for int i 0 i count i String cur dm.item i recorderUniqueId cur IDiscRecorder2 recorder ClassFactory.createMsftDiscRecorder2.. int i 0 i count i String cur dm.item i recorderUniqueId cur IDiscRecorder2 recorder ClassFactory.createMsftDiscRecorder2.. IsoMan.class.getSimpleName int mediaStatus discData.currentMediaStatusExt System.out.println Media status mediaStatus..

Sms ContentObserver onChange() fires multiple times


selfChange querySMS protected void querySMS Cursor cur getContentResolver .query u null null null null cur.moveToNext.. Cursor cur getContentResolver .query u null null null null cur.moveToNext this will make it point to the first record which.. to the first record which is the last SMS sent String type cur.getString cur.getColumnIndex type String body cur.getString..

how to resume an interrupted download - part 2


policyref http info.yahoo.co m w3c p3p.xml CP CAO DSP COR CUR ADM DEV TAI PSA PSD IVAi IVDi CONi TELo OTPi OUR DELi SAMi OTRi.. policyref http info.yahoo.co m w3c p3p.xml CP CAO DSP COR CUR ADM DEV TAI PSA PSD IVAi IVDi CONi TELo OTPi OUR DELi SAMi OTRi.. policyref http info.yahoo.co m w3c p3p.xml CP CAO DSP COR CUR ADM DEV TAI PSA PSD IVAi IVDi CONi TELo OTPi OUR DELi SAMi OTRi..