

java Programming Glossary: cu

Java : parse java source code, extract methods


you a CompilationUnit InputStream in null CompilationUnit cu null try in new SEDInputStream filename cu JavaParser.parse.. cu null try in new SEDInputStream filename cu JavaParser.parse in catch ParseException x handle parse exceptions.. handle parse exceptions here. finally in.close return cu Note SEDInputStream is a subclass of input stream. You can use..

How to get surrounding method in Java source file for a given line number


File src throws ParseException IOException CompilationUnit cu JavaParser.parse src new MethodVisitor .visit cu null Simple.. cu JavaParser.parse src new MethodVisitor .visit cu null Simple visitor implementation for visiting MethodDeclaration.. File src throws ParseException IOException CompilationUnit cu JavaParser.parse src new MethodVisitor .visit cu null From 43..

Is there any eclipse refactoring API that I can call programmatically?


see article can be used to fill in the parameters and execute the refactoring programmatically. If you create a plugin that.. the API can be found on the post . ICompilationUnit cu ... an ICompilationUnit to rename RefactoringContribution contribution.. contribution.createDescriptor descriptor.setProject cu.getResource .getProject .getName descriptor.setNewName NewClass..