

java Programming Glossary: crypto

JavaScript not being properly executed in HtmlUnit


. I have a bunch running but I'm stuck where it calls crypto. The JS in question is function try var ab new Uint32Array 32.. JS in question is function try var ab new Uint32Array 32 crypto.getRandomValues ab sjcl.random.addEntropy ab 1024 crypto.getRandomValues.. crypto.getRandomValues ab sjcl.random.addEntropy ab 1024 crypto.getRandomValues catch e HtmlUnit is throwing EcmaError ReferenceError..

Can SHA-1 algorithm be computed on a stream? With low memory footprint?


__int64 uint64_t #else #include stdint.h #endif namespace crypto namespace struct ternary_operator virtual uint32_t operator.. so I've kept this one short and simple. namespace crypto namespace uint32_t ROTL uint32_t const value unsigned bits uint32_t.. const input std cout Testing hashing from string n input n crypto sha1 hasher1 std vector uint32_t hash hasher1 input std cout..

NoSuchAlgorithmException: Algorithm HmacSHA1 not available


Algorithm HmacSHA1 not available at javax.crypto.Mac.getInstance DashoA13 .. The same JDK installation is used.. to my code java.security.Security.addProvider new com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE Specifically this happens to me in an Apache.. http stackoverflow.com questions 1009996 using java crypto leads to nosuchalgorithmexception . However in this case I'm..

Android encryption


I use AES DES RSA etc... . I am aware that Java has a crypto package but I am not familiar with it at all. Can someone post.. to do an encrypt decrypt function java android security cryptography share improve this question The java AES library has.. import javax.crypto.Cipher import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec public class MainClass..

InvalidKeyException Illegal key size


Illegal key size at javax.crypto.Cipher.a DashoA13 .. at javax.crypto.Cipher.init DashoA13 .... key size at javax.crypto.Cipher.a DashoA13 .. at javax.crypto.Cipher.init DashoA13 .. at javax.crypto.Cipher.init DashoA13.. .. at javax.crypto.Cipher.init DashoA13 .. at javax.crypto.Cipher.init DashoA13 .. Both development box and TeamCity uses..

How to solve javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException: data not block size aligned


to solve javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException data not block size aligned I am.. Exception e e.printStackTrace return null leads to javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException data not block size aligned at org.bouncycastle2.jce.provider.JCEBlockCipher.engineDoFinal.. JCEBlockCipher.java 686 at javax.crypto.Cipher.doFinal Cipher.java 1171 Thank you. java share improve..

How to encrypt and decrypt data in Java? [closed]


you have very unusual requirements Java has most of the crypto tools you'll need. Symmetric Encryption Symmetric encryption.. and decryption. In Java use an instance of javax.crypto.Cipher . Example import java.security. import javax.crypto... . Example import java.security. import javax.crypto. Cipher aes Cipher.getInstance AES ECB PKCS5Padding aes.init..

AES encrypt with openssl command line tool, and decrypt in Java


to decrypt the file produced by the script. public class crypto public static void main String args try File f new File test.enc.. openssl uses for a given password java bash encryption cryptography aes share improve this question As @Polynomial mentioned..

Create a password protected excel file using apache poi?


I've also taken a look at the sources for their crypto implementation which appears to only handle decryption. This..

Generate certificates, public and private keys with Java


keytool share improve this question The Bouncy Castle crypto libraries are fairly comprehensive. share improve this answer..