

java Programming Glossary: ctor

Android Content Provider database leak issue


and the other was a ID for use in debugging. The class's ctor had the same signature as the SQLiteCursor ctor with an extra.. class's ctor had the same signature as the SQLiteCursor ctor with an extra parameter added to the end for setting the ID.. parameter added to the end for setting the ID value. The ctor set the database data member to insure that something was referencing..

How to load a jar file at runtime


Avoid Class.newInstance for it is evil. Constructor extends Runnable ctor runClass.getConstructor Runnable doRun.. for it is evil. Constructor extends Runnable ctor runClass.getConstructor Runnable doRun ctor.newInstance doRun.run.. evil. Constructor extends Runnable ctor runClass.getConstructor Runnable doRun ctor.newInstance doRun.run Class loaders no longer..

Why is Class.newInstance() “evil”?


code sample Avoid Class.newInstance for it is evil. Constructor extends Runnable ctor runClass.getConstructor Runnable doRun.. for it is evil. Constructor extends Runnable ctor runClass.getConstructor Runnable doRun ctor.newInstance so why.. evil. Constructor extends Runnable ctor runClass.getConstructor Runnable doRun ctor.newInstance so why is it Evil java constructor..

Can SHA-1 algorithm be computed on a stream? With low memory footprint?


can't guarantee that. #include algorithm #include vector #include string #include assert.h #include iostream #include.. 8 static const size_t block_words block_bytes 4 std vector uint32_t K std vector uint32_t H std vector uint32_t W std vector.. block_words block_bytes 4 std vector uint32_t K std vector uint32_t H std vector uint32_t W std vector ternary_operator..

Is something similar to ServiceLoader in Java 1.5?


true ldr Class extends S impl clz.asSubclass ifc Constructor extends S ctor impl.getConstructor S svc ctor.newInstance services.add.. extends S impl clz.asSubclass ifc Constructor extends S ctor impl.getConstructor S svc ctor.newInstance services.add svc.. ifc Constructor extends S ctor impl.getConstructor S svc ctor.newInstance services.add svc finally is.close return..

Calling an overridden method from a parent class ctor


an overridden method from a parent class ctor I tried calling an overridden method from a constructor of.. ctor I tried calling an overridden method from a constructor of a parent class and noticed different behavior across languages... most parent going down the hierarchy so when the constructor calls the overridden method B does not even exist so it calls..

Problems with loading resources during execution


import java.io.File import java.lang.reflect.Constructor import java.lang.reflect.Method import java.net.URL import java.net.URLClassLoader.. import org.slf4j.Logger import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory import ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext import ch.qos.logback.core.util.StatusPrinter.. NON NLS 1 private final static Logger log LoggerFactory.getLogger Main.class private static final String ORG_ECLIPSE_SWT_WIDGETS_SHELL..

What's the penalty for Synthetic methods?


ACC_SUPER Spy null java lang Object null MethodVisitor ctor cw.visitMethod ACC_PUBLIC init V null null ctor.visitCode ctor.visitVarInsn.. ctor cw.visitMethod ACC_PUBLIC init V null null ctor.visitCode ctor.visitVarInsn ALOAD 0 ctor.visitMethodInsn INVOKESPECIAL.. cw.visitMethod ACC_PUBLIC init V null null ctor.visitCode ctor.visitVarInsn ALOAD 0 ctor.visitMethodInsn INVOKESPECIAL java..

Creating an instance using the class name and calling constructor


an instance using the class name and calling constructor Is there a way to create an instance of a particular class.. the class name dynamic and pass parameters to it's constructor. Something like Object object createInstance mypackage.MyClass.. MyAttributeValue is the an argument to the constructor of MyClass. java reflection share improve this question ..

CellTable with custom Header containing SearchBox and Focus Problem


T extends LayoutPanel public PagingFilterDataGrid ctor initializers initDataGrid initColumns updateColumns initPager.. a initColumn method that is called in your datagrid constructor. Usually i extend the a base datagrid class so that i can put.. map into my request engine that does your RPC or RequestFactory stuff public void updateDataList initParameters required parameters..