

java Programming Glossary: cursor.getpredefinedcursor

Java - How to drag and drop JPanel with its components


DragSource ds dge.getDragSource ds.startDrag dge Cursor.getPredefinedCursor Cursor.MOVE_CURSOR transferable this @Override public void dragEnter..

Swing: resizing a JFrame like Frames in Linux e.g


direction of resize height or width changes mouse Cursor Cursor.getPredefinedCursor Cursor.E_RESIZE_CURSOR for far right width resizing Cursor.getPredefinedCursor.. Cursor.E_RESIZE_CURSOR for far right width resizing Cursor.getPredefinedCursor Cursor.S_RESIZE_CURSOR for bottom hieght resizing Cursor.getPredefinedCursor.. Cursor.S_RESIZE_CURSOR for bottom hieght resizing Cursor.getPredefinedCursor Cursor.N_RESIZE_CURSOR for top of frame height resizing or Cursor.getPredefinedCursor..

How to remove window box from any java gui


e System.out.println Move comp.setCursor Cursor.getPredefinedCursor Cursor.MOVE_CURSOR else System.out.println Default comp.setCursor..

How do I make my custom Swing component visible?


chessPiece JLayeredPane.DRAG_LAYER layeredPane.setCursor Cursor.getPredefinedCursor Cursor.MOVE_CURSOR Move the chess piece around public void..

Smoothing a jagged path


void mouseEntered MouseEvent me originalLabel.setCursor Cursor.getPredefinedCursor Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR @Override public void mouseExited MouseEvent..

Layering multiple GlassPane's in a Root Container


else message.setVisible false setVisible true setCursor Cursor.getPredefinedCursor Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR requestFocusInWindow public void deactivate..

Keeping the correct style on text retrieval


100 100 frm.pack frm.setVisible true jta.setCursor Cursor.getPredefinedCursor Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR fnt ge.getAvailableFontFamilyNames mas jta.getInputAttributes.. 75 catch Exception e e.printStackTrace jta.setCursor Cursor.getPredefinedCursor Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR public void dis String s _count _lenght..