

java Programming Glossary: csrf

Cross-site request forgery prevention using struts token


issue in using struts 1.x framework token mechanism for CSRF Prevention java struts cross domain struts 1 share improve.. can't set a session for another site this should prevent CSRF. If you usually send users directly to your JSP don't. Instead..

Why does JSF need to save the state of UI components on the server side?


potentially hazardful things. It would even be prone to CSRF attacks and phishing. And won't that consume too much memory..

CSRF, XSS and SQL Injection attack prevention in JSF


XSS and SQL Injection attack prevention in JSF I have a web.. as DB. I have already implemented the code to prevent CSRF in my application. Now since my underlying framework is JSF.. whitelist. The HTML parser Jsoup is very helpful in this. CSRF JSF 2.x has already builtin CSRF prevention in flavor of javax.faces.ViewState..