

java Programming Glossary: curiosity

Multiple .class files generated for a class?


.class files generated for a class Out of curiosity why are sometimes multiple Java .class files generated for a..

Difference between , java string replace() and replaceAll()


replace and replaceAll I am asking this question out of curiosity. What's the difference between java.lang.String 's replace and..

Why does 'java -version' go to stderr?


java.exe without any parameters. EDIT Just out of a sheer curiosity I checked whether it has been always like that and it turned..

Java OCR implementation


OCR implementation This is primarily just curiosity but are there any OCR implementations in pure Java I'm curious..

Why doesn't the Scanner class have a nextChar method? [closed]


class have a nextChar method closed This is really a curiosity more than a problem... Why doesn't the Scanner class have a..

Why java.lang.Object is not abstract? [duplicate]


really really long time and it is asked here purely out of curiosity that's all. Nothing in my code or anybody's code is breaking..

Java: How do you really force a GC using JVMTI's ForceGargabeCollection?


is not about why I'd want to do this the why may be curiosity or we're writing a program similar to VisualVM etc. The question..

When to use primitive and when reference types in Java


int or reference types Integer This question sparked my curiosity. java primitive types reference type share improve this question..

How can I list all classes loaded in a specific class loader


loaded in a specific class loader For debug reasons and curiosity I wish to list all classes loaded to a specific class loader...

How does the Java array argument declaration syntax “…” work?


do you know of any place that has this documented. It is curiosity and perhaps not worth of any time invested in it but I was stumped...

Using collection size in for loop comparision


always inlines these See Esko's answer Update 2 My curiosity has been fueled further. From the answers given I see that good..

What does “…” mean in Java? [duplicate]


do you know of any place that has this documented. It is curiosity and perhaps not worth of any time invested in it but I was stumped...

How to set order of repositories in Maven settings.xml


will be accessed. Here a post where someone explains this curiosity http community.jboss.org message 576851 share improve this..

add values to enum


in implementing any given method it just provoked my curiosity when it occurred to me c# java .net share improve this question..

Max name length of variable or method in Java


and maintainability perspective but just out of curiosity is there a limitation I guess class names might be limited by..

What's in an Eclipse .classpath/.project file?


was OK and the Tomcat deploy was complete. Just out of curiosity and to know at what to look in the future if something is wrong..

Force invocation of base class method


such need to get pass polymorphism this question is out of curiosity only. class A public void method1 System.out.println A1 public..

Java: Search in HashMap keys based on regex?


than HashMap to keep a graph like needed by a thesaurus curiosity only as for this assignment we're asked to use Java Collection..