

java Programming Glossary: crucial

Why must jUnit's fixtureSetup be static?


the test class and its instance variables for each test is crucial in achieving this. Some testing frameworks reuse the same test..

When to display error messages for invalid input in Swing application


does it know the format of valid input which is even more crucial to providing a meaningful error message. The first solution..

How can I lock a file using java (if possible)


to B. It sees that it is open and continues to C. It is crucial that WriteApp doesnt write while ReadApp is reading the same..

Printing a Java InputStream from a Process


a Java InputStream from a Process UPDATE I found a crucial part to why this probably isn't working I used System.setOut..

Sending an OWA logon form from Java


that it sends a cookie to the document so it may not be crucial function clkLgn if gbid rdoPrvt .checked var oD new Date oD.setTime..

How come invoking a (static) method on a null reference doesn't throw NullPointerException?


allow overriding of static methods understanding this is crucial Why isn ™t calling a static method by way of an instance an error..

Including external jar-files in a new jar-file build with Ant


is greatly appreciated. Oh and I'm sorry if I left some crucial information out. This is my first time posting here at SO. ..

Sparse matrices / arrays in Java


Very sparse if that makes a difference. Anyway the most crucial aspect for this application is efficency in terms of time assume..

How to access objects within an object by mixing in a trait with reflection?


without repeating myself a few times this is absolutely crucial . The idea is that values accesses the MonthDay object and finds..

Java seems to ignore -Xms and -Xmx options


Lawrey very rightly states the resident memory is the crucial figure here in your case the JVM is only using 16 MiB RSS according..

Android Actionbar Tabs and Keyboard Focus


title Fragment fragment String tag The tab listener is crucial here. mActionBar.addTab mActionBar.newTab .setText title .setTabListener..

Most efficient way to increment a Map value in Java


that's the way I'm most likely to go. The code Here is the crucial code from each method. ContainsKey import java.util.HashMap..

How can I fix this code so I can add this JFreeChart to a panel


but it has proven to be impossible. This is really crucial for my project so if anyone has the time to help me out I would..

Accurate Sleep for Java on Windows


page. Bugs with Thread.sleep under Windows If timing is crucial to your application then an inelegant but practical way to get..

How to deal with the most common classes missing on J2ME


choice between TreeSet Hashset or LinkedList ArrayList is crucial for performance and always using Vector and Arrays can't be..

GWT Platform login + session menagment


you are turning to GWT. This refresh difference is very crucial in understanding the difference in coding for GWT than for JSP...