

java Programming Glossary: ctx

Google Drive SDK Exception


REQUEST_TOKEN 0 private Button btn_drive private Context ctx this private Activity a this public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. void onPreExecute progressDlg new ProgressDialog ctx ProgressDialog.STYLE_SPINNER progressDlg.setMax 100 progressDlg.setTitle.. Account account try return GoogleAuthUtil.getToken ctx account.name oauth2 DriveScopes.DRIVE IMPORTANT DriveScopes..

ejb lookup failing with NamingException


try Properties props System.getProperties Context ctx new InitialContext props UserManagerHome userHome UserManagerHome.. props UserManagerHome userHome UserManagerHome ctx.lookup ROLE_JNDI_NAME UserManager userManager userHome.create..

How to handle invalid SSL certificates with Apache HttpClient?


configure the SSLContext with a TrustManager SSLContext ctx SSLContext.getInstance TLS ctx.init new KeyManager 0 new TrustManager.. a TrustManager SSLContext ctx SSLContext.getInstance TLS ctx.init new KeyManager 0 new TrustManager new DefaultTrustManager.. DefaultTrustManager new SecureRandom SSLContext.setDefault ctx URL url new URL https mms.nw.ru HttpsURLConnection conn HttpsURLConnection..

JDBC MySql Connection Pooling practices


DataSource myDataSource public DatabaseBean try Context ctx new InitialContext ecwinsDataSource DataSource ctx.lookup jdbc.. ctx new InitialContext ecwinsDataSource DataSource ctx.lookup jdbc myDataSource catch NamingException ex ex.printStackTrace..

Custom fonts and XML layouts (Android)


context attrs private void setCustomFont Context ctx AttributeSet attrs TypedArray a ctx.obtainStyledAttributes attrs.. setCustomFont Context ctx AttributeSet attrs TypedArray a ctx.obtainStyledAttributes attrs R.styleable.TextViewPlus String.. R.styleable.TextViewPlus_customFont setCustomFont ctx customFont a.recycle public boolean setCustomFont Context ctx..

how to check wifi or 3g network is available on android device


we have a valid Internet Connection on the device. @param ctx @return True if device has internet Code from http www.androidsnippets.org.. snippets 131 public static boolean haveInternet Context ctx NetworkInfo info NetworkInfo ConnectivityManager ctx .getSystemService.. ctx NetworkInfo info NetworkInfo ConnectivityManager ctx .getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE .getActiveNetworkInfo..

Load a resource contained in a jar


dir name in order to create this ConfigurationContext ctx ConfigurationContext ConfigurationContextFactory.createConfigurationContextFromFileSystem..

GSON deserializing key-value to custom object


JsonElement json Type typeOfT JsonDeserializationContext ctx throws JsonParseException JsonObject obj json.getAsJsonObject..

How to create custom methods for use in spring security expression language annotations


auth MethodInvocation mi MethodSecurityEvaluationContext ctx new MethodSecurityEvaluationContext auth mi parameterNameDiscoverer..

Using Singleton design pattern for SQLiteDatabase


mCxt public static DatabaseHelper getInstance Context ctx use the application context as suggested by CommonsWare. this.. if mInstance null mInstance new DatabaseHelper ctx.getApplicationContext return mInstance constructor should.. method getInstance instead. private DatabaseHelper Context ctx super context DATABASE_NAME null DATABASE_VERSION this.mCtx..

How do I accept a self-signed certificate with a Java HttpsURLConnection?


tmf.init keyStore SSLContext ctx SSLContext.getInstance TLS ctx.init null tmf.getTrustManagers.. keyStore SSLContext ctx SSLContext.getInstance TLS ctx.init null tmf.getTrustManagers null sslFactory ctx.getSocketFactory.. TLS ctx.init null tmf.getTrustManagers null sslFactory ctx.getSocketFactory If you need help creating the key store please..

Typing Chinese with PrimeFaces' <p:editor> component


if ajaxRequest null ajaxRequest partial ajax .equals ctx. getExternalContext .getRequestHeaderMap .get Faces Request..