

c++ Programming Glossary: commented

Very poor boost::lexical_cast performance


improve this question Edit 2012 04 11 rve quite rightly commented about lexical_cast's performance providing a link http www.boost.org..

How to hide a string in binary code?


Please let us know how you solve the problem Edit You commented that you're refactoring existing code so I'll assume you can't..

long long in C/C++


lld llu num1 num2 num3 num4 return 0 When I uncomment the commented line the code doesn't compile and is giving an error error integer..

Scripting language for C/C++?


get higher performance for deployment EDIT Based on some commented let me clarify the question. I should be able to convert script..

C++ Which is faster: Stack allocation or Heap allocation


He was talking to me and watching over my shoulder and commented that it wasn't necessary because they are the same performance..

C++ Static member initalization (template fun inside)


int getB std endl 1 B int getHelper 2 With g 4.4.1 1 and 2 commented A Hello I'm A. Works as intended 1 uncommented A Hello I'm A... 1 and 2 commented A Hello I'm A. Works as intended 1 uncommented A Hello I'm A. B I would expect that the InitHelper initializes.. would expect that the InitHelper initializes mB 1 and 2 uncommented A Hello I'm A. B Hello I'm B. Works as intended 1 commented..

How does C compute sin() and other math functions?


sin in pure C is much simpler than glibc's and is nicely commented. Source fdlibm s_sin.c and fdlibm k_sin.c share improve this..

Use of typename keyword with typedef and new


typedef A new NOT followed by a type new 0 int Others have commented about your example. The typename specifier does not yield to..

How to convert wstring into string?


ws std endl std cout std string s std endl the output with commented out line is std string Hello std wstring Hello std string Hello..

Why is address of char data not displayed?


cout address of char void b endl instead. EDIT Like Tomek commented a more proper cast to use in this case is static_cast which..

Flags to enable thorough and verbose g++ warnings


too many false positives to be used in a real build. I commented as to why each of the ones I excluded were excluded. This is..

'uint32_t' identifier not found error


for windows. Visual C doesn't know #include stdint.h so I commented it out. Later I found a lot of those 'uint32_t' identifier not..

How to get IOStream to perform better?


iterations comment if oldSyncSetting's declaration is commented std ios_base sync_with_stdio oldSyncSetting std cout C ctime..

Can you remove elements from a std::list while iterating through it?


inorder to avoid walking the list again. But if I add the commented out lines I get an error when I get to i List iterator not incrementable..

C++: Rotating a vector around a certain point


share improve this question As Mehrdad Afshari commented on Pesto 's post including the translation back into the original..

“No newline at end of file” compiler warning


without a new line Now the first line of foo.cpp is commented out. These are just a couple of examples of the types of problems..

Well, how does the custom deleter of std::unique_ptr work?


does what it's supposed to do EDIT Some folks have commented and even voted flame war like that this question is impossible..