

c++ Programming Glossary: combobox

Installing OpenCV 2.4.3 in Visual C++ 2010 Express [closed]


sure that Debug is selected in the solution configuration combobox. Right click cvtest and select Properties &rarr VC Directories..

Customizing Win32's Save File Dialog


and 0 for everything else. In all my attempts to get the combobox to show in the dialog it's not coming up. What am I missing.. not coming up. What am I missing from my code to make the combobox a part of my save file dialog customization c winapi customization..

How to send a CBN_SELCHANGE message when using CB_SETCURSEL?


Ken's suggestion in the comments. c winapi controls combobox message share improve this question You're not supposed.. In Delphi where an OnChange would be associated with the combobox you just call the event method directly Send the CB_SETCURSEL.. event method directly Send the CB_SETCURSEL message to the combobox PostMessage ComboBox1.Handle CB_SETCURSEL Whatever WhateverElse..

Writing cross-platforms application with a complex GUI


GUI I'd like develop an application with a complex GUI combobox with animation charts with spline transparent layers ... . I've..

How can I add a checkbox/radio botton to QTableWidget


to QTableWidget How can I add a checkbox radiobutton combobox to a QTableWidget or a QListWidget Is there some tutorial I..