

c++ Programming Glossary: command

System(“pause”); - Why is it wrong?


wrong Here's a question that I don't quite understand The command system pause is taught to new programmers as a way to pause.. his new program. Bodging in System pause runs the Windows command line pause program and waits for that to terminate before it..

Why isn't sizeof for a struct equal to the sum of sizeof of each member?


how the compilers align data. Some compilers have command line settings and or special #pragma statements to change the..

How do I get the directory that a program is running from?


the same directory if someone runs the program from a command prompt then the program is being run from the command prompt's.. a command prompt then the program is being run from the command prompt's current working directory even though the program file..

What does int argc, char *argv[] mean?


argc char argv When I code C without an IDE just with a command line compiler I type int main without any parameters. What does.. share improve this question argv and argc are how command line arguments are passed to main in C and C . argc will be.. entirely yielding int main if you do not intend to process command line arguments. Try the following program #include iostream..

Linker order - GCC


symbols very well you might have to play around a bit. The command nm will dump out a list of symbols in a library. share improve..

How to execute a command and get output of command within C++?


to execute a command and get output of command within C I am looking for a way to.. to execute a command and get output of command within C I am looking for a way to get the output of a command.. within C I am looking for a way to get the output of a command when it is run from within a C program. I have looked at using..

Developing Internet Explorer Extensions?


took about 7 hours Microsoft tutorial helped me adding the command button. And this social.msdn topic that helped me figure out.. pvaIn IntPtr pvaOut try Accessing the document from the command bar. var document browser.Document as IHTMLDocument2 var window.. In the Build Events tab set Post build events command line to C Program Files x86 Microsoft SDKs Windows v7.0A Bin..

How can I get a list of files in a directory using C or C++?


inside my C or C code I'm not allowed to execute the 'ls' command and parse the results from within my program. c c file directory..

WChars, Encodings, Standards and Portability


argc char argv you have already lost Unicode support for command line arguments. You have to write int wmain int argc wchar_t.. must actively ignore the C and C standard for things like command line arguments file and console I O or file and directory manipulation...

How to create a DLL with SWIG from Visual Studio 2010


in Properties it will appear after Apply above . Enter Command Line of swig c python outdir Outdir Identity this assumes SWIG..

Compiling Qt 4.8.x for Visual Studio 2012


by this HashSet.h . Start VS2012 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt Switch to Qt 4.8.3 source directory the directory that..

Enable C++11 in Eclipse CDT (Juno/Kepler) indexer [duplicate]


tab Providers CDT GCC Builtin Compiler Settings Append to Command to get compiler specs std c 0x Afterwards it should look something..

Why destructor is not called on exception?


Version 14.00.50727.762 for 80x86 from Visual Studio 2005. Command line is cl EHa my.cpp . Is compiler right as usual What does..

How to use Boost in Visual Studio 2010


your choice e.g. C boost_1_47_0 . Start the Visual Studio Command Prompt for the platform of your choice and navigate to where..

Why can't I have a non-integral static const member in a class?


stdio.h #include a.h void foo void printf foo g n X d Command line g a.cc b.cc O0 o a # Linker error ld undefined symbols..

Diamond inheritance (C++)


Case 2 I implement the composite design pattern for a Command in my system. A command can be read written deleted etc. I also.. of commands. So I have the following design class CommandAbstraction CommandAbstraction ~CommandAbstraction 0 void Read.. So I have the following design class CommandAbstraction CommandAbstraction ~CommandAbstraction 0 void Read 0 void Write 0 void..

Some clarification needed about synchronous versus asynchronous asio operations


such as C connect S Ok. C User... S Ok. C Password S Ok. C Command S answer C Command S answer ... C bye S close The difference.. Ok. C User... S Ok. C Password S Ok. C Command S answer C Command S answer ... C bye S close The difference between synchronous..

How to build Qt for Visual Studio 2010


something nice and small for example E Qt Visual Studio Command Prompt Now that we have the sources we need to build the binaries... Visual Studio 2010 Visual Studio Tools Visual Studio Command Prompt 2010 link from your start menu or even pin it to the..

Developing Internet Explorer Extensions?


public class WordHighlighterBHO IObjectWithSite IOleCommandTarget const string DefaultTextToHighlight browser IWebBrowser2.. punk return hr #endregion #region Implementation of IOleCommandTarget int IOleCommandTarget.QueryStatus IntPtr pguidCmdGroup.. #region Implementation of IOleCommandTarget int IOleCommandTarget.QueryStatus IntPtr pguidCmdGroup uint cCmds ref OLECMD..

Parse Command Line Arguments [duplicate]


Command Line Arguments duplicate Possible Duplicate What parameter..

Xcode 4.3 and C++11 include paths


One possible reason is that I installed both Xcode and the Command line tools for Xcode . The latter installed binaries in the..

How to detect c++11 support of a compiler with cmake



CMake: How to copy only specific file extensions from one directory into another


should I do add_custom_command TARGET MyTarget PRE_BUILD COMMAND CMAKE_COMMAND E copy_directory CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR config TARGET_FILE_DIR.. TARGET MyTarget PRE_BUILD COMMAND CMAKE_COMMAND E copy_directory CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR config TARGET_FILE_DIR MyTarget.. ConfigFiles add_custom_command TARGET MyTarget PRE_BUILD COMMAND CMAKE_COMMAND E copy ConfigFile TARGET_FILE_DIR MyTarget endforeach..

Enable C++11 in Eclipse CDT (Juno/Kepler) indexer [duplicate]


specs std c 0x Afterwards it should look something like COMMAND E P v dD INPUTS std c 0x Sources http wiki.eclipse.org CDT User..

LNK2005: delete already defined error in VC++


Common7 Tools WecVersionForRosebud.710 2 windir C WINDOWS COMMAND LINES Creating temporary file c fta tools channel_editor IvoDB..

Does multithreading emphasize memory fragmentation?


MB over time PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S CPU MEM TIME COMMAND 11626 byron 20 0 204m 99m 1000 R 27 2.5 0 00.81 ompmemtest ..

Read and Write on serial port in Ubuntu with C/C++ and LibSerial


100 char out_buf check serial_port.write out_buf 5 FIRST COMMAND while 1 char next_byte serial_port.get next_byte HERE I RECEIVE..