

c++ Programming Glossary: combines

Shared libraries and .h files


but is not a runnable program and linking which combines these intermediate files into a single running executable or..

How can I extend a lexical cast to support enumerated types?


Is there a way to create a single function that combines both of these I've played a bit with the template arguments..

How to pass parameters correctly?


amount creditCard std forward C creditCard In a sense this combines both the overloads I've shown previously into one single function..

which type of sorting is used in the function sort()?


or usually a hybrid algorithm like introsort which combines quicksort heapsort and insertion sort . The only thing the standard..

Regular cast vs. static_cast vs. dynamic_cast


. Needless to say that this is much more powerful as it combines all of const_cast static_cast and reinterpret_cast but it's..

C++ for a C# developer


is simply a verbatim copy paste. The preprocessor simply combines the two files resulting in what is called a translation unit...

c++ call constructor from constructor


via default parameters class Foo public Foo char x int y 0 combines two constructors char and char int ... 2 Use an init method..

What do 'statically linked' and 'dynamically linked' mean?


code into object modules. The second linking is what combines object modules together to form an executable. The distinction..

Why use #ifndef CLASS_H and #define CLASS_H in .h file but not in .cpp?


in another listed object file and if it's found it combines the code from the two object files into an output file and replaces..

Writing cross-platform C++ Code (Windows, Linux and Mac OSX)


flexible than trying to eliminate the preprocessor. It combines well with the whole file approach so you still use that where..

Exceptions with Unicode what()


of fidelity. How do you design an exception hierarchy that combines the seamless integration of a std exception derived class with..

PHP Communication with C++ Application


for scalable cross language services development. It combines a software stack with a code generation engine to build services..

Magic number in boost::hash_combine


called seed and an object v . According to the docs it combines seed with the hash of v by seed ^ hash_value v 0x9e3779b9 seed..

How to split a vector into n “almost equal” parts


into smaller sub task run them and do a final task which combines them together. My idea is to write a function which takes a..

Is there a generic way to adapt a function template to be a polymorphic function object?


it is possible to write a make_overload helper that combines multiple functors into one such that auto ff make_overload int..

Pack an HTML5 app and deploy it on the desktop


deployment share improve this question Node webkit combines the Chromium Chrome browser with Node.js. As I understand it..