

c++ Programming Glossary: combination

Algorithm improvement for Coca-Cola can shape recognition


rotation as it will basically test your image for every combination of scale factor and rotation factor. It uses a base model a..

Calling Objective-C method from C++ method?


under Xcode. The .mm extension tells Xcode to expect a combination of Objective C and C i.e. Objective C . You can implement the..

What is external linkage and internal linkage in C++


words accessable through the whole program which is the combination of all translation units or object files . share improve this..

How to make generic computations over heterogeneous argument packs of a variadic template function?


syntactic sugar for functors they can be used as well in combination with the algorithms above however until generic lambdas will..

C++ Which is faster: Stack allocation or Heap allocation


compiler for the PPC architecture. Insight on this combination would be most helpful but in general for GCC and MSVC what is..

combination and permutation in C++


and permutation in C What's the most widely used existing library.. the most widely used existing library in C to give all the combination and permutation of k elements out of n elements I am not asking.. from Mark Nelson's article on the same topic we have next_combination http marknelson.us 2002 03 01 next permutation Permutations..

Can we increase the re-usability of this key-oriented access-protection pattern?


code generically and simply implements the idiom for any combination of classes and functions. The caller doesn't need to try to..

std::wstring VS std::string


when truncating playing with unicode chars because some combination of chars is forbidden in UTF 8. On Windows On Windows this is..

push_back vs emplace_back


as we have to repeatedly include subheaders. Due to a combination of our time constraints and compilation speed concerns we haven't..

Similar String algorithm


the pancake sorting problem . So you can permute every combination of words filtering out exact matches with every combination.. of words filtering out exact matches with every combination of other string trying to minimize a combination of permute.. every combination of other string trying to minimize a combination of permute distance and Levenshtein distance on each word pair...

How to determine CPU and memory consumption from inside a process?


as of Linux kernel 2.6 In the end I got all values via a combination of reading the pseudo filesystem proc and kernel calls. Total..

When should I use C++ private inheritance?


in the C FAQ linked in other's comments you can use a combination of private and virtual inheritance to seal a class in .NET terminology..

C++ random float number generation


can be used to generate psudo random numbers in C . In combination with RAND_MAX and a little math you can generate random numbers..

Understanding the meaning of the term and the concept - RAII (Resource Acquisition is Initialization)


resource management is particularly complicated due to the combination of exceptions and C style templates. For a peek under the hood..

Executing cv::warpPerspective for a fake deskewing on a set of cv::Point


to achieve the effect I'm hoping for using a simple combination of cv getPerspectiveTransform and cv warpPerspective . I'm sharing..