

c++ Programming Glossary: colours

How can I load 8 bit bmp with OpenGL?


sizeof BITMAPINFOHEADER 1 in read bmp infomation header colours new RGBQUAD bmih.biBitCount fread colours sizeof RGBQUAD bmih.biBitCount.. header colours new RGBQUAD bmih.biBitCount fread colours sizeof RGBQUAD bmih.biBitCount in read bmp colour table size..

Using array as map value: Cant see the error


1 0 0 int green 3 0 1 0 int blue 3 0 0 1 std map int int 3 colours colours.insert std pair int int 3 GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON red THIS.. green 3 0 1 0 int blue 3 0 0 1 std map int int 3 colours colours.insert std pair int int 3 GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON red THIS IS LINE.. std pair int int 3 GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON red THIS IS LINE 24 colours.insert std pair int int 3 GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON blue colours.insert..

Higher color depth for MFC toolbar icons?


an image list internally that is initialised to use 16 colours only. The solution is to create our own image list and tell.. toolbar to use that instead. I know this will work for 256 colours but I haven't tested it with higher bit depths First load a..

Blob extraction in OpenCV


in OpenCV I'm using OpenCV to filter an image for certain colours so I've got a binary image of the detected regions. Now I want..

Calculating normals in a triangle mesh


by a single number offsetting into a limited palette of colours. Palette colours can still be found in several graphics file.. offsetting into a limited palette of colours. Palette colours can still be found in several graphics file formats but no decent..