c++ Programming Glossary: colour
Convert Image Color from Grayscale to RGB OpenCV C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14571790/convert-image-color-from-grayscale-to-rgb-opencv-c I think that you are asking how to adapt it to accept a colour input image and return a colour output image. You don't need.. to adapt it to accept a colour input image and return a colour output image. You don't need to change much cv Mat CVCircles.. cvtColor img cimg CV_GRAY2RGB else input image is colour cimg img cvtColor img img CV_RGB2GRAY the rest stays as is...
How do I gaussian blur an image without using any in-built gaussian functions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1696113/how-do-i-gaussian-blur-an-image-without-using-any-in-built-gaussian-functions destroy as much of the high frequency ie rapid changing of colour from pixel to pixel information. These sort of filters can do.. pixel. This will leave only the really big changes in colour high frequencies behind. Edit A 5x5 filter kernel is define..
Simple C++ Graphics Library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1924171/simple-c-graphics-library an image to a specified size with either a fixed rgb colour value or ideally supporting gradients. Needs to work on Windows..
Purpose of Unions in C and C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2310483/purpose-of-unions-in-c-and-c post and came to know that this code union ARGB uint32_t colour struct componentsTag uint8_t b uint8_t g uint8_t r uint8_t.. b uint8_t g uint8_t r uint8_t a components pixel pixel.colour 0xff040201 ARGB colour is the active member from now on somewhere.. r uint8_t a components pixel pixel.colour 0xff040201 ARGB colour is the active member from now on somewhere down the line without..
Higher color depth for MFC toolbar icons? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/261559/higher-color-depth-for-mfc-toolbar-icons how to make a toolbar in MFC that used 24bit or 256 colour bitmaps rather than the horrible 16 colour ones. Can anyone.. 24bit or 256 colour bitmaps rather than the horrible 16 colour ones. Can anyone point me in the direction of some simple code.. an image list internally that is initialised to use 16 colours only. The solution is to create our own image list and tell..
How do I output coloured text to a Linux terminal? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2616906/how-do-i-output-coloured-text-to-a-linux-terminal do I output coloured text to a Linux terminal How do I print coloured characters.. I output coloured text to a Linux terminal How do I print coloured characters to a Linux terminal that supports it I'm using.. irrelevant. EDIT And secondly how do I tell if it supports colour codes c linux colors terminal share improve this question..
Factory method implementation - C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/410823/factory-method-implementation-c class. class Pen public Pen m_color 0 0 0 0 the default colour is black Pen const Color c m_color c Pen const Pen other..
using declaration with enum? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/438192/using-declaration-with-enum
Calculating normals in a triangle mesh http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6656358/calculating-normals-in-a-triangle-mesh a vertex is the whole combination of position normal colour N texture coordinates M further attributes You change one of.. still used palettes instead of true color. A pixels colour wasn't set by giving it's RGB values but by a single number.. by a single number offsetting into a limited palette of colours. Palette colours can still be found in several graphics file..
Is 0 a decimal literal or an octal literal? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6895522/is-0-a-decimal-literal-or-an-octal-literal
Is it a good practice to use unions in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/943267/is-it-a-good-practice-to-use-unions-in-c be accessed in several ways as in your example accessing a colour as an int or as you probably intended four chars To make a polymorphic..
using declaration with enum? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/438192/using-declaration-with-enum not seem to work with enum type class Sample public enum Colour RED BLUE GREEN using Sample Colour does not work do we need.. Sample public enum Colour RED BLUE GREEN using Sample Colour does not work do we need to add using declaration for every.. for every enumerators of enum type like below using sample Colour RED c enums using declarative share improve this question..
Scope resolution operator on enums a compiler-specific extension? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/441552/scope-resolution-operator-on-enums-a-compiler-specific-extension there's an answer that states You can use typedef to make Colour enumeration type accessible without specifying it's full name.. without specifying it's full name . typedef Sample Colour Colour Colour c Colour BLUE That sounds correct to me but someone.. without specifying it's full name . typedef Sample Colour Colour Colour c Colour BLUE That sounds correct to me but someone down..
Colour output of program run under BASH http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9943187/colour-output-of-program-run-under-bash output of program run under BASH I need to be able to be able..