

c++ Programming Glossary: commas

Initialize std::array with a range (pair of iterators)


CSV parser in C++


parser ie don't worry about escaping new lines and commas . The main need is a line by line parser that will return a..

does (w)ifstream support different encodings


varied features as how large numbers are written e.g. with commas or periods currency time capitalization and a slew of other..

What are declarations and declarators and how are their types interpreted by the standard?


list . It is a sequence of declarators separated by commas each with an optional initializer §8 . Each declarator introduces..

Comma in C/C++ macro


the comparison operators and macro expansion can't ignore commas inside angle brackets like it does with the various balanced.. this isn't necessary because type names can't contain commas outside parentheses. So for a cross language macro you can write..

How do I make a C++ macro behave like a function?


statement to evaluate to one of void type and the use of commas rather than semicolons allows it to be used inside a statement..

BOOST_FOREACH & templates without typedef


it is a macro and therefore cannot handle types containing commas preprocessor doesn't know about templates . You can also declare..

Effect of using a comma instead of a semi-colon in C and C++


int a 0 b 0 a 5 b 5 I know that C and C allow use of commas to seperate statements notably loop headers but what is the..

C++ mark as deprecated


will encounter problems if a function return type has a commas in its name e.g. std pair int int as this will be interpreted..

Can we increase the re-usability of this key-oriented access-protection pattern?


we use variadic macro parameters to allow functions with commas it all gets pasted back together again when we friend it #define..

Printing lists with commas C++


lists with commas C I know how to do this in other languages but not C which..

How do you set the cout locale to insert commas as thousands separators?


do you set the cout locale to insert commas as thousands separators Given the following code cout 1000..

Breaking a single string into multiple strings C++?


strings C I need to input 3 full names separated by commas Full Name 1 John Smith Flynn Full Name 2 Walter Kennedy Roberts..

Generating function declaration using a macro iteration


particular difficulties if your arguments contain commas. C 's syntax abuse of tokens and as bracketing expressions for..

C++ string parsing (python style)


the point is represented as three numbers separated by commas How can this be done in C without too much headache Performance..

c++: Format number with commas?


Format number with commas I want to write a method that will take an integer and return.. and return a std string of that integer formatted with commas. Example declaration std string FormatWithCommas long value.. What is the C way of formatting a number as a string with commas Bonus would be to handle double s as well. c comma number formatting..

Inserting and removing commas from integers in c++


and removing commas from integers in c Very much a noob here so it's best to assume.. with my numbers. Essentially all I want to do is to add commas into the numbers displayed on the screen to make it easier to..