

c++ Programming Glossary: common.h

building and accessing a list of types at compile time


a common header variadic templates and a macro Header common.h A distinct Void type struct Void template typename ... struct.. #define TYPE_LIST TypelistVoid Header foo.h #include common.h class Foo typedef typename concat TYPE_LIST Foo type TypeListFoo.. #define TYPE_LIST TypeListFoo Header bar.h #include common.h class Bar typedef typename concat TYPE_LIST Bar type TypeListBar..

Header file best practices for typedefs


with a combined approach of forward headers and a kind of common.h header that is specific to your project and just includes all..

error: expected class-name before ?˜{??token


the Event.h #ifndef EVENT_H_ #define EVENT_H_ #include common.h #include Item.h #include Flight.h #include Landing.h class Arrival.. If you still get errors also post Item.h Flight.h and common.h EDIT In response to comment. You will need to e.g. #include..

What does this error mean: “error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before 'type_name'”?


. When I try and compile I get the following error spu .. common.h 38 error expected specifier qualifier list before 'spe_context_ptr_t'..