

c++ Programming Glossary: colon

What does a colon following a C++ constructor name do?


does a colon following a C constructor name do What does the colon operator.. a colon following a C constructor name do What does the colon operator do in this constructor Is it equivalent to MyClass..

What does this C++ code mean?


field its length is set off from the bit field name by a colon. The optional attribute specifier appertains to the entity being..

What is this weird colon-member syntax in the constructor?


is this weird colon member syntax in the constructor Recently I've seen an example..

What is the member variables list after the colon in a constructor good for?


is the member variables list after the colon in a constructor good for I'm reading this C open source code..

Variables after the colon in a constructor


after the colon in a constructor I am still learning C and trying to understand..

C/C++ function definitions without assembly


except for the Ci ibn . The C means œcancellable The colon separates the return type from the argument types and if you..

C++ - what does the colon after a constructor mean? [duplicate]


what does the colon after a constructor mean duplicate Possible Duplicates Variables.. After the Colon in a Constructor Importance of a singlecolon &ldquo &rdquo in C C constructor syntax question noob I'd happily..

What does 'unsigned temp:3' mean? [duplicate]


be allocated for this particular variable c c bit fields colon share improve this question This construct specifies the..

What is the meaning of prepended double colon “::” to class name?


is the meaning of prepended double colon &ldquo &rdquo to class name I found this line of a code in.. current db and I don't know what exactly means the double colon prepended to the class name. Without that I would read declaration.. of the class Configuration ... but the prepended double colon confuses me. I also found typedef config set ConfigSet c syntax..

When do I use a dot, arrow, or double colon to refer to members of a class in C++?


do I use a dot arrow or double colon to refer to members of a class in C Coming from other C derived.. the members of a class or class object namely the double colon the dot . and the arrow are used for three different scenarios..

Regular expression to detect semi-colon terminated C++ for & while loops


expression to detect semi colon terminated C for while loops In my Python application I need.. a C for or while loop that has been terminated with a semi colon . For example it should match this for int i 0 i 10 i ... but.. the outer closing parenthesis. # must end with a semi colon to match s s This works perfectly for all the above cases but..

Semi Colon after class declaration braces


probably a stupid question but in C classes why the semi colon after the closing brace I regularly forget it and get compiler.. trap this before compilation. c oop class declaration semicolon share improve this question The semi colon after the closing.. semicolon share improve this question The semi colon after the closing brace in a type declaration is required by..

In C/C++ why does the do while(expression); need a semi colon?


C C why does the do while expression need a semi colon My guess is it just made parsing easier but I can't see exactly.. do while loop. Consider the different behaviors if the semicolon weren't required int x 10 int y 10 do while x 0 x while x y..