

c++ Programming Glossary: comm

How can I send data from a web page to a serial port?


tutorial http blog.950buy.com article php use rs232 serial communication to send file Also this question Serial comm with PHP..

Qt Signals/Slots and Threads


the GUI main thread the rendering thread and the hardware comm thread. Inbetwen the the render and the hardware threads is..

Creating a counter that stays synchronized across MPI processes


I have quite a bit of experience using the basic comm and group MPI2 methods and do quite a bit of embarrassingly..

Serial Comm using WriteFile/ReadFile


if argc 2 sprintf port_name . COM c argv 1 0 open the comm port. file CreateFile port_name GENERIC_READ GENERIC_WRITE 0.. sizeof port if GetCommState file port system_error getting comm state if BuildCommDCB baud 19200 parity n data 8 stop 1 port.. 19200 parity n data 8 stop 1 port system_error building comm DCB if SetCommState file port system_error adjusting port settings..

How to get memory usage at run time in c++?


entries in stat that we don't care about string pid comm state ppid pgrp session tty_nr string tpgid flags minflt cminflt.. we want unsigned long vsize long rss stat_stream pid comm state ppid pgrp session tty_nr tpgid flags minflt cminflt majflt..