

c# Programming Glossary: defaultconnection

The type or namespace name does not exist in the namespace 'System.Web.Mvc'


PublicKeyToken 31bf3856ad364e35 connectionStringName DefaultConnection applicationName providers profile membership defaultProvider.. PublicKeyToken 31bf3856ad364e35 connectionStringName DefaultConnection enablePasswordRetrieval false enablePasswordReset true requiresQuestionAndAnswer.. PublicKeyToken 31bf3856ad364e35 connectionStringName DefaultConnection applicationName providers roleManager sessionState mode InProc..

“Membership.Provider must be an instance of ExtendedMembershipProvider”


false configSections connectionStrings add name DefaultConnection connectionString Data Source LocalDb v11.0 Initial Catalog aspnet..

How to create custom additional fields in UserProfile in MVC4


mvc 4 project WebSecurity.InitializeDatabaseConnection DefaultConnection UserProfile UserId UserName autoCreateTables true and user profile..

Entity Framework Code-First Issues (SimpleMembership UserProfile table)


2 Move your WebSecurity.InitializeDatabaseConnection DefaultConnection UserProfile UserId EmailAddress autoCreateTables true to your.. context WebSecurity.InitializeDatabaseConnection DefaultConnection UserProfile UserId UserName autoCreateTables true if Roles.RoleExists..

Migration not working as I wish… Asp.net EntityFramework


class UsersContext DbContext public UsersContext base DefaultConnection public DbSet UserProfile UserProfiles get set Table UserProfile.. Specifically your UserContext has a connection specified DefaultConnection . The other one Movie... does not that means the other connection..

Virtual Navigation Properties and Multi-Tenancy


_tenant public TenantContext Tenant tenant base name DefaultConnection this._tenant tenant this._dbContext new DbContext public IQueryable..

MVC 4 Web Api IIS7.5 HTTP 404 Page Not Found


LinkId 169433 configuration connectionStrings add name DefaultConnection connectionString Data Source . SQLEXPRESS Initial Catalog aspnet.. PublicKeyToken 31bf3856ad364e35 connectionStringName DefaultConnection applicationName providers profile membership defaultProvider.. PublicKeyToken 31bf3856ad364e35 connectionStringName DefaultConnection enablePasswordRetrieval false enablePasswordReset true requiresQuestionAndAnswer..