

c# Programming Glossary: declarative

LINQ to SQL - mapping exception when using abstract base classes


in our company. You may have noticed that if you use the declarative style LINQ queries you'll not encounter this problem. For example..

Doesn't C# Extension Methods allow passing parameters by reference?


Not familiar with the VB Syntax but it seems to be using a declarative approach to mark an extension method. When you call it you do..

XML serialization of interface property


this question This is simply an inherent limitation of declarative serialization where type information is not embedded within..

XDocument or XMLDocument


XAttribute firstline c.Address1 etc It's all a lot more declarative which fits in with the general LINQ style. Now as Brannon mentioned..

What is the difference between declarative and imperative programming


is the difference between declarative and imperative programming I have been searching the web looking.. I have been searching the web looking for a definition for declarative and imperative programming that would shed some light for me... in C#. c# programming paradigms imperative programming declarative programming share improve this question A great C# example..

What does square bracket [] mean in the below code?


said they're attributes. They're used within .NET for declarative programming . You can find information on each of these attributes.. attributes that the control understands it is possible to declaratively dictate this behavior. I hope that helps a little bit but..

What guarantees are there on the run-time complexity (Big-O) of LINQ methods?


provider too If so is it different if you're using the declarative or functional syntax c# .net linq algorithm complexity theory..

How to load different RESX files based on some parameter


syntax in every asp control which allows to use declarative syntax for Implicit Resource expressions. I have been asked..

loading binary data into a structure


conversion yourself. You also cannot take advantage of the declarative syntax you have to write a call for each individual member of..

Razor: Declarative HTML helpers


Declarative HTML helpers I'm trying to write a simple declarative html helper @helper Echo string input @input The helper works..

Passing ASP.NET client IDs in to a javascript function


' or see this Stack Overflow answer problem assigning declarative values in asp hyperlink. error this is not scriptlet. will output..