

c# Programming Glossary: decorator

How to configure Simple Injector to run background threads in ASP.NET MVC


case UnitOfWork and I am very happy as having a separate decorator rather than my service or command handler looking after saving.. per request from within a try catch in the handler decorator or proxy Thanks Chris c# .net asp.net mvc 3 dependency injection..

Mixed lifestyle for Per Thread and Per Web Request with Simple Injector


In other words the best way to do this is inside a decorator. The easiest solution is to update your AsyncCommandHandlerDecorator.. violating the Single Responsibility Principle since this decorator both runs commands on a new thread and starts a new lifetime.. _factory handler.Handle command The order in which these decorators are registered is of course essential since the AsyncCommandHandlerDecorator..

Caching in WCF


operationDescription DispatchOperation dispatchOperation decorator pattern decorate with a cacher object constructorParam new object..

How to do open generic decorator chaining with unity + UnityAutoRegistration


to do open generic decorator chaining with unity UnityAutoRegistration Went off on an interesting.. As soon as I add a second ICommandHandler TCommand as a decorator Unity throws a StackOverflowException. I don't know enough about.. to resolve to the command handler or the command handler decorator since both implement the ICommandHandler TCommand interface...