

c# Programming Glossary: declaratively

Customized bulleted list items in ASP.NET


ItemTemplate asp Repeater ul Then in your code behind or declaratively in your markup depending on your preference set the repeater's..

C# Connecting Through Proxy


is easily achieved either programmatically in your code or declaratively in either the web.config or the app.config. You can programmatically.. then use the proxy you define. To achieve the same thing declaratively you can do the following system.net defaultProxy proxy proxyaddress..

What is a good RDF library for .net?


class first You have your .NET business classes. You declaratively add attributes to your classes similarly as you do with XML..

What does square bracket [] mean in the below code?


attributes that the control understands it is possible to declaratively dictate this behavior. I hope that helps a little bit but Spencer..

Secure C# Assemblies from unauthorized Callers


How to add child nodes to custom asp.net user control derived from System.Web.UI.Control


You want to be able to describe asp.net control properties declaratively . To be able to have the following markup Abc CustomControlUno..

Assign an event to a custom control inside a Repeater control


repeater is databound . If you attach your event handler declaratively in the markup such as asp Repeater ID Repeater1 runat server..

Add css class to Html.EditorFor in MVC 2


DateTime for example. The second way to do it is to set it declaratively in your DataAnnotations by using a UIHint . Edit I'd also like..

what is MVP-Passive View and MVP-Supervising controller


model to perform simple data binding that can be defined declaratively without presenter intervention. The presenter updates the model.. in cases where complex UI logic that cannot be specified declaratively is required. Examples of complex UI logic might include changing..