

c# Programming Glossary: decoupled

How can I get the Position of textbox that has been pressed?


Your application logic and your UI must be completely decoupled. Just copy and paste my code in a File New Project WPF Application..

How to create and connect custom user buttons/controls with lines using windows forms


object's values. The functionality of the UI is completely decoupled from the data that comprises it. Therefore all this nodes and..

Dependency Inject (DI) “friendly” library


Compose only at the Last Responsible Moment Keep objects decoupled until the very end. Normally you can wait and wire everything..

Execute a JavaScript function in a C# application


control how could I execute a JavaScript function that is decoupled from any browser DOM dependencies in a C# application I am investigating..

custom dialog with a text field in winmobile


Exporting Excel to C#


to be the case. For absolutely huge applications with decoupled code you might consider VB6 to .NET migration solutions like..

how to call C# from c++


sockets ... or use COM as the processes have to be decoupled . Here is a tutorial for the COM based solution MSDN COM Interop..

how to access winform textbox control from another class?


form and the other class. That way the class is completely decoupled from the form and can use anyting implementing the interface..