

c# Programming Glossary: decode

Create “Hello Wold” WebSocket example


for client to send a message once the message is received decode it in different formats Console.WriteLine Convert.ToBase64String..

How can I decode HTML characters in C#?


can I decode HTML characters in C# I have email addresses encoded with HTML..

Code for decoding/encoding a modified base64 URL


I want to base64 encode data to put it in a URL and then decode it within my HttpHandler. I have found that Base64 Encoding.. replaced by ' ' and '_' so that using URL encoders decoders is no longer necessary and has no impact on the length of.. modified base64 for URL method. Has anyone done this To decode I know it starts out with something like string base64EncodedText..

Recommend an Open Source .NET Barcode Reader Library [closed]


improves and credits a previously written VB library to decode barcodes from an image using only .NET code. There are two projects..

C# Convert string from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 (Latin1) H


to adjust the byte array before attempting to decode it into your destination encoding. byte utfBytes utf8.GetBytes..

C#: Class for decoding Quoted-Printable encoding?


of an encoded line and does not cause a line break in the decoded text. c# string class encoding quoted printable share improve.. appears to be used by only one method which is used to decode MIME headers. This method is also internal but is called fairly..

Characters in string changed after downloading HTML from the internet


gzip and checks encoding header and meta tags in order to decode it correctly. Instantiate the class and call GetPage . public..

How to decode OAuth 2.0 for Canvas signed_request in C#?


to decode OAuth 2.0 for Canvas signed_request in C# I'm able to successfully.. canvas app using the example here but I'm unable to decode the payload. The Facebook documentation states that the 2nd.. is a base64url encoded JSON object. In PHP the payload is decoded using json_decode data json_decode base64_url_decode payload..

How to read a text file reversely with iterator in C#


called when the enumerator is fetched. UTF 8 is used to decode the stream into text. summary param name streamSource Data source.. existence when the enumerator is fetched. UTF8 is used to decode the file into text. summary param name filename File to read.. to read from param param name encoding Encoding to use to decode the file into text param public ReverseLineReader string filename..

how to capture the '#' character on different locale keyboards in WPF/C#?


key will do the trick. It uses a series of win32 calls to decode the key pressed. 1 get the virtual key from WPF key 2 get the..

Model Binding to Enums in ASP.NET MVC 3


summary Fix for the default model binder's failure to decode enum types when binding to JSON. summary protected override..

Fans-only content in facebook with asp.net C# sdk


.Split '.' 1 var encoding new UTF8Encoding var decodedJson payload.Replace string.Empty .Replace ' ' ' ' .Replace.. '_' ' ' var base64JsonArray Convert.FromBase64String decodedJson.PadRight decodedJson.Length 4 decodedJson.Length 4 4 '.. Convert.FromBase64String decodedJson.PadRight decodedJson.Length 4 decodedJson.Length 4 4 ' ' var json encoding.GetString..

How to (de)construct data frames in WebSockets hybi 08+?


that are four bytes which are the masks which you need to decode the frame data. This is done using xor encoding which uses one.. the value and index of the element as its arguments var decoded data.map function byte index index 0 for the first byte return..

Is there a JSON Web Token (JWT) example in C#?


string.Join . segments.ToArray public static string Decode string token string key return Decode token key true public.. static string Decode string token string key return Decode token key true public static string Decode string token string.. key return Decode token key true public static string Decode string token string key bool verify var parts token.Split '.'..

Base64 decode in C# or Java


Document. I used iHarder's Base64 utility to do the Base64 Decode. private static final String FILE_HEADER_BLOCK application vnd.xfdl..

C# to PHP base64 encode/decode


Base64 string on the C# side before you send it. And URL Decode it on the php side prior to base64 decoding it. C# side byte..

query string parameter obfuscation


0 8 TDes.Clear return ToHex OutputBuffer static long Decode string value byte key byte InputBuffer new byte 8 byte OutputBuffer.. The encoded value is 0 . EncodedValue long DecodedValue Decode EncodedValue Key Console.WriteLine The decoded.. The encoded value is 0 . EncodedValue long DecodedValue Decode EncodedValue Key Console.WriteLine The decoded result is 0 ...

Cross platform (php to C# .NET) encryption/decryption with Rijndael


following iv and key is the same as in php public string Decode string str byte decbuff Convert.FromBase64String str return.. rj.Clear return sRet string temp DecryptRJ256 Server.UrlDecode Decode cypher keyString ivString The problem I'm having is that.. return sRet string temp DecryptRJ256 Server.UrlDecode Decode cypher keyString ivString The problem I'm having is that after..

Invalid length for a Base-64 char array during decoding/decryption


To solve the problems you need to fist Encode and then Decode the all ready encode base64 string depend from where you using.. thisEncode public static string decodeSTROnUrl string thisDecode return Decrypt HttpUtility.UrlDecode thisDecode ps I have the.. string thisDecode return Decrypt HttpUtility.UrlDecode thisDecode ps I have the same problem and have try as you say..

Compress large Integers into smallest possible string


var val int inp b inp inp b res toChar val return res long Decode string encoded IEnumerable char map var b map.Count character.. foreach var t in test var encoded Encode t map var decoded Decode encoded map Console.WriteLine string.Format value 0 encoded..

Decode Signed Request Without Authentication


Signed Request Without Authentication Are we able to use the..

How to AES-128 encrypt a string using a password in Delphi and decrypt in C#?


Windows IdCoderMIME TntLXUtils Base64 Encode Decode function Base64_Encode Value TBytes string var Encoder.. Value finally Encoder.Free end end function Base64_Decode Value string TBytes var Encoder TIdDecoderMIME begin Encoder.. function Base64_Decode Value string TBytes var Encoder TIdDecoderMIME begin Encoder TIdDecoderMIME.Create nil try Result Encoder.DecodeBytes..

Invalid signature for signing requests to the Flickr API (simulation in console)


0 X2 Convert.ToInt32 match.Value 0 public static string DecodeEvaluator Match match return Convert.ToChar int.Parse match.Value.Substring.. .ToString public static string Decode string str return Regex.Replace str.Replace ' ' ' ' 0 9a zA..