

c# Programming Glossary: deep

How do you do a deep copy an object in .Net (C# specifically)?


do you do a deep copy an object in .Net C# specifically I want a true deep copy... deep copy an object in .Net C# specifically I want a true deep copy. In Java this was easy but how do you do it in C# c# .net..

What is the best way to clone/deep copy a .NET generic Dictionary<string, T>?


is the best way to clone deep copy a .NET generic Dictionary string T I've got a generic..

Serialize a Bitmap in C#/.NET to XML


property this seems to me a bit of a hack. There is also a deep XML serializing project on sourceforge. I rather would not like..

Deep Null checking, is there a better way?


is there a better way We've all been there we have some deep property like cake.frosting.berries.loader that we need to check..

Is it better to create a singleton to access unity container or pass it through the application?


I still don't fully understand is how to resolve objects deeper into the application. I suspect I just haven't had the light.. class and every child of it assume it is n levels deep or in reality about 3 levels deep . Passing IUnityContainer.. it assume it is n levels deep or in reality about 3 levels deep . Passing IUnityContainer around everywhere just looks odd...

C# vs Java generics [duplicate]


generics in 2.0. The benefits are preformance improvements deep type safety verification and reflection. Again the provided..

Shortcut for “null if object is null, or object.member if object is not null” [duplicate]


already has an answer here How to check for nulls in a deep lambda expression duplicate 10 answers Deep Null checking..

Deep copy of List<T>


copy of List T I'm trying to make a deep copy of a generic list and am wondering if there is any other.. underneath List double is being shallow copied instead of deep copied. When I get the subset again using List.GetRange I get.. me a direction on how to approach this Thanks a lot. c# deep copy share improve this question The idiomatic way to approach..

Creating an MVVM friendly dialog strategy


see http geekswithblogs.net lbugnion archive 2011 04 13 deep dive mvvm samples mix11 deepdivemvvm.aspx Sample 03 . Implementing.. lbugnion archive 2011 04 13 deep dive mvvm samples mix11 deepdivemvvm.aspx Sample 03 . Implementing a service component that..

Why should I implement ICloneable in c#?


and implement the Clone method If I want to do a deep copy can't I just implement my method Let's say MyClone Why.. from the interface whether your Clone method performs a deep or shallow clone. See this blog post from Brad Abrams back in..

Deep cloning objects in C#


elegant way of handling the situation. How can I clone or deep copy an object so that the cloned object can be modified without.. described here so I won't regurgitate here's a nice deep clone object copier I found on The Code Project a while ago.. Provides a method for performing a deep copy of an object. Binary Serialization is used to perform the..

How expensive are exceptions in C#?


are not incredibly expensive as long as the stack is not deep however I have read conflicting reports. Is there definitive..

.Net Deep cloning - what is the best way to do that?


Deep cloning what is the best way to do that I need to perform deep..

Slice up an image into tiles


tile as a jpg file. You may think this as a Silverlight Deep Zoom sort task and you'd be right. I've got a solution using..

Deep Null checking, is there a better way?


Null checking is there a better way We've all been there we..

Copy constructor versus Clone()


clone the object. Instead you should define your own IDeepCloneable and IShallowCloneable interfaces with DeepClone and.. own IDeepCloneable and IShallowCloneable interfaces with DeepClone and ShallowClone methods. You can define two interfaces.. of different types of cloneable objects public interface IDeepCloneable object DeepClone public interface IDeepCloneable T..

Create a Deep Copy in C#


a Deep Copy in C# I want to make a deep copy of an object so I could.. this using the Object.MemberwiseClone method public object DeepCopy object obj var memberwiseClone typeof object .GetMethod.. field.FieldType typeof string var fieldCopy DeepCopy field.GetValue newCopy field.SetValue newCopy fieldCopy..

ComboBox AutoComplete on SubString


Integer 0 Private Function GetLastFunction Optional ByVal Deep As Integer 1 As System.Reflection.MethodInfo Dim ST As New StackTrace.. ST As New StackTrace Dim Frame As StackFrame ST.GetFrame Deep Return Frame.GetMethod End Function Private Sub TempLogStart..

Shortcut for “null if object is null, or object.member if object is not null” [duplicate]


in a deep lambda expression duplicate 10 answers Deep Null checking is there a better way 15 answers I'm trying..

Deep copy of List<T>


copy of List T I'm trying to make a deep copy of a generic..

C# Recursion Depth - How Deep can you go


Recursion Depth How Deep can you go Is there any control how much you can Recursively..

Deep cloning objects in C#


cloning objects in C# I want to do something like myObject..

Is there a much better way to create deep and shallow clones in C#?


as RoomType DEEP COPY public static T CreateDeepClone T T source if typeof T .IsSerializable throw new ArgumentException.. question MemberwiseClone is not a good choice to do a Deep Copy MSDN The MemberwiseClone method creates a shallow copy.. to create a true deep copy remarks public static TObject DeepCopy TObject this TObject instance bool throwInCaseOfError where..