

c# Programming Glossary: decryption

CryptographicException: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed


ms.ToArray decryptString provides simple decryption of a string with a given password public static string decryptString..

Getting incorrect decryption value using AesCryptoServiceProvider


incorrect decryption value using AesCryptoServiceProvider I have following code.. The iv and key used are same for both encryption and decryption. Still the decrypted value differ from the source string. What.. is done in a separate process how can we know the IV for decryption Is there a way to make it constant or known Answer Your other..

Simple 2 way encryption for C#


EncryptedValue #region Write the encrypted value to the decryption stream MemoryStream encryptedStream new MemoryStream CryptoStream..

Password encryption/ decryption code in .NET


encryption decryption code in .NET I want simple encryption and decryption of password.. decryption code in .NET I want simple encryption and decryption of password in C#. how to save the password in encrypted format.. format in database and retrieve as original format by decryption kindly anyone help with sample code. c# .net cryptography encryption..

CryptographicException: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed and Validation of viewstate MAC failed


system.web machineKey validationKey big encryption key decryptionKey big decryption key validation SHA1 decryption AES In my Page.. validationKey big encryption key decryptionKey big decryption key validation SHA1 decryption AES In my Page Base for all of.. key decryptionKey big decryption key validation SHA1 decryption AES In my Page Base for all of my pages protected override void..

Encrypt/Decrypt string in .NET


name sharedSecret A password used to generate a key for decryption. param public static string DecryptStringAES string cipherText.. sharedSecret _salt Create the streams used for decryption. byte bytes Convert.FromBase64String cipherText using MemoryStream..

Using AES encryption in C#


rijAlg.Key rijAlg.IV Create the streams used for decryption. using MemoryStream msDecrypt new MemoryStream cipherText ..

Sharing sessions across applications using the ASP.NET Session State Service


AppName machineKey validationKey SOMEKEY validation SHA1 decryption AES Session state db would need to be set up on a database server..

Cross platform (php to C# .NET) encryption/decryption with Rijndael


platform php to C# .NET encryption decryption with Rijndael I'm currently having a bit of problem with decrypting.. C# . However I'm having problem retaining the order of decryption base64 decode to urldecode . The code I had in ASP.NET is as.. I converted the string back to byte and ran it through the decryption process. However I can't get the desired result...any ideas..

Padding is invalid and cannot be removed?


last block of the message is always the correct size. Your decryption method is expecting whatever its default padding is and is not.. need to explicitly set the padding for both encryption and decryption. Unless you have a reason to do otherwise use PKCS#7 padding...