

c# Programming Glossary: deduce

If Int32 is just an alias for int, how can the Int32 class use an int?


S S s In that case we have no information from which to deduce the size of S. struct Int32 Int32 i But in this case the compiler..

Type result with conditional operator in C#


fails when it sees this expression because it cannot deduce the type of the result IsDateTimeHappy myDateTime null myDateTime..

Generic extension method : Type argument cannot be inferred from the usage


your case there is not enough data from the arguments to deduce what the type parameters are without first looking at the constraints..

How do I determine the true pixel size of my Monitor in .NET?


example the monitor might be a ValueBin E17p and you might deduce that it's a 17 monitor from that. Of course this display string..

Why assigning null in ternary operator fails: no implicit conversion between null and int?


out the type of the right hand side. So when it tries to deduce the type of Int64.Parse myOtherVar 0 null Int64.Parse myOtherVar..

Why class fields cannot be var?


compiler is unhappy I guess the compiler must be able to deduce the type for the member variable just the same way it does it..

Why can't an anonymous method be assigned to var?


all the time and we just use method type inference to deduce the type Func A R WorkItOut A R Func A R f return f ... var..

Questions on a Haskell -> C# conversion


by 2^n sqrt 5 So based on my research and what I can deduce correct me if I'm wrong anywhere the first part declares type..

Why use “new DelegateType(Delegate)”?


answer is only required in C# 2.0 where the compiler can't deduce the type of the delegate when using Control.Invoke for example...

Why aren't generic type constraints inheritable/hierarchically enforced


as a type argument in another type to be automatically deduced and invisibly added to the declaration of the type parameter... must be C. Therefore in your opinion the compiler should deduce that and automatically put a constraint of C on U. What about.. X and Y. Therefore in your opinion the compiler should deduce that and automatically put a constraint of X and Y on V. Yes..