c# Programming Glossary: def
Python: Inflate and Deflate implementations http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1089662/python-inflate-and-deflate-implementations opinions and ideas. Additional information The result of deflating and encoding a string should for the purposes I need give.. write into a new memory stream wrapped by a deflate stream using MemoryStream ms new MemoryStream using DeflateStream.. MemoryStream ms new MemoryStream using DeflateStream deflateStream new DeflateStream ms CompressionMode.Compress true..
Text difference algorithm http://stackoverflow.com/questions/145607/text-difference-algorithm higher than two dissimilar files with the word similar defined in the normal terms . It sounds easy to implement but it's.. be used to give you a similarity ratio. Example function def text_compare text1 text2 isjunk None return difflib.SequenceMatcher..
How to let an ASMX file output JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/211348/how-to-let-an-asmx-file-output-json is System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService public class _default System.Web.Services.WebService WebMethod ScriptMethod UseHttpGet.. public string UserDetails return new string abc def c# json asmx share improve this question From WebService..
Does Java have something like C#'s ref and out keywords? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2806545/does-java-have-something-like-cs-ref-and-out-keywords following ref example void changeString ref String str str def void main String abc abc changeString ref abc System.out.println.. abc abc changeString ref abc System.out.println abc prints def out example void setString out String str str def void main.. prints def out example void setString out String str str def void main String abc changeString out abc System.out.println..
Regex split string but keep separators http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2910536/regex-split-string-but-keep-separators separators. To give an example of what I'm trying abc s1 def s2 s3 ghi abc s1 def s2 s3 ghi The regular expression I've come.. an example of what I'm trying abc s1 def s2 s3 ghi abc s1 def s2 s3 ghi The regular expression I've come up with is new Regex.. is new Regex . However this gives me the following abc s1 def s2 s3 ghi abc s1 def s2 s3 ghi The separators have disappeared..
Difference between string and StringBuilder in c# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3069416/difference-between-string-and-stringbuilder-in-c-sharp to strings. For example the following line string foo abc def efg hij will be joined by the compiler leaving only a single..
Dynamic LINQ OrderBy on IEnumerable<T> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/41244/dynamic-linq-orderby-on-ienumerablet new ExpandoObject c new ExpandoObject a.X abc b.X ghi c.X def dynamic data new new Y a new Y b new Y c var ordered data.OrderByDescending..
WinForms DataGridView - databind to an object with a list property (variable number of columns) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4716092/winforms-datagridview-databind-to-an-object-with-a-list-property-variable-num a .NET class I'd like to show in a DataGridView and the default databinding setting the DGV's DataSource to the object produces.. 2 Rating new List int 1 2 1 new BookDetails Title def TotalRating 3 Occurrence 2 Rating null new BookDetails Title..
Instantiating a python class in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/579272/instantiating-a-python-class-in-c-sharp PokerCard A card for playing poker immutable and unique. def __init__ self cardName The test stub I wrote in C# is using.. contains a simple class class Calculator object def add self a b return a b You can use it from your pre .NET 4.0..
Poor man's “lexer” for C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/673113/poor-mans-lexer-for-c-sharp bool Next if lineRemaining null return false foreach var def in tokenDefinitions var matched def.Matcher.Match lineRemaining.. false foreach var def in tokenDefinitions var matched def.Matcher.Match lineRemaining if matched 0 Position matched.. lineRemaining if matched 0 Position matched Token def.Token TokenContents lineRemaining.Substring 0 matched lineRemaining..
Data binding dynamic data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/882214/data-binding-dynamic-data several ways to do this depending on whether the column definitions are always the same but determined at runtime i.e. perhaps.. list.Columns.Add Foo list.Columns.Add Bar list.Add abc def list.Add ghi jkl list.Add mno pqr Application.Run new Form Controls..
'CompanyName.Foo' is a 'namespace' but is used like a 'type' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2046012/companyname-foo-is-a-namespace-but-is-used-like-a-type from the outside . When you say using XYZ namespace ABC.DEF class GHI DEF that is the same as using XYZ namespace ABC namespace.. . When you say using XYZ namespace ABC.DEF class GHI DEF that is the same as using XYZ namespace ABC namespace DEF class.. DEF that is the same as using XYZ namespace ABC namespace DEF class GHI DEF So now we must determine the meaning of DEF...
@(at) sign in file path/string [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5179389/at-sign-in-file-path-string isn't that big but image you have a full path C ABC CDE DEF then @ C ABC CDE DEF looks a lot nicer. For regular expressions.. image you have a full path C ABC CDE DEF then @ C ABC CDE DEF looks a lot nicer. For regular expressions it's almost a must...
Concat all strings inside a List<string> using LINQ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/559415/concat-all-strings-inside-a-liststring-using-linq List Foo items new List Foo new Foo Boo ABC new Foo Boo DEF new Foo Boo GHI new Foo Boo JKL Console.WriteLine items.Aggregate..
How to Get XML Node from XDocument http://stackoverflow.com/questions/752271/how-to-get-xml-node-from-xdocument Node ID 123 ID Name ABC Name Node Node ID 124 ID Name DEF Name Node Contacts XElement Contacts from xml2 in XMLDoc.Elements.. Node ID 123 ID Name ABC Name Node Node ID 124 ID Name DEF Name Node Contacts Select a single node XDocument XMLDoc XDocument.Load..
Eric Lippert's challenge “comma-quibbling”, best answer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/788535/eric-lipperts-challenge-comma-quibbling-best-answer is ABC . If the sequence is the two item sequence ABC DEF then the resulting string is ABC and DEF . If the sequence has.. item sequence ABC DEF then the resulting string is ABC and DEF . If the sequence has more than two items say ABC DEF G H then.. and DEF . If the sequence has more than two items say ABC DEF G H then the resulting string is ABC DEF G and H . Note no Oxford..