c# Programming Glossary: decorating
C# Dynamic Attribute Arguments http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1093466/c-sharp-dynamic-attribute-arguments
Attributes and inheritance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1240960/attributes-and-inheritance set _SpecialName value Then use the Attribute by decorating a super class... MyUberAttribute SpecialName Bob class MySuperClass..
?śStrange??C# property syntax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14138258/strange-c-sharp-property-syntax the name Item by default ”you can actually change this by decorating your indexer with the following attribute System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IndexerName..
Enforce Attribute Decoration of Classes/Methods http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19454/enforce-attribute-decoration-of-classes-methods just write my own. However to serialize to XML I am simply decorating the class and its members with the Xml attributes XmlRoot XmlElement..
Overriding a property with an attribute http://stackoverflow.com/questions/592671/overriding-a-property-with-an-attribute lives in System.Xml.Serialization. If you are decorating your class with Serializable and your members with XmlIgnore..
XmlSerializer - There was an error reflecting type http://stackoverflow.com/questions/60573/xmlserializer-there-was-an-error-reflecting-type can exclude fields properties from xml serialization by decorating them with the XmlIgnore attribute. I don't think that XmlSerializer..
How to make a property protected AND internal in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/941104/how-to-make-a-property-protected-and-internal-in-c string I_Headers get return Headers Sure it's ugly decorating the name with that I_ prefix. But it's kind of a weird design...
How to do open generic decorator chaining with unity + UnityAutoRegistration http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9813630/how-to-do-open-generic-decorator-chaining-with-unity-unityautoregistration you want to do for your solution here you will add decorating for TryCatch Caching Transactions or whatever else you want..