c# Programming Glossary: datacolumn
c# conversion of a datetime2 data type to a datetime data type http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1331779/c-sharp-conversion-of-a-datetime2-data-type-to-a-datetime-data-type level In my datatable the date column is set like this new DataColumn myDate Type.GetType System.DateTime c# sql server share improve.. As an aside the correct way to get a Type object for the DataColumn constructor is the typeof keyword which is orders of magnitude..
Export DataTable to Excel File http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1746701/export-datatable-to-excel-file application vnd.ms excel string tab foreach DataColumn dc in dt.Columns Response.Write tab dc.ColumnName tab t Response.Write..
Displaying standard DataTables in MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2243898/displaying-standard-datatables-in-mvc MVC DataTable dt new DataTable MyTable dt.Columns.Add new DataColumn Col1 typeof string dt.Columns.Add new DataColumn Col2 typeof.. new DataColumn Col1 typeof string dt.Columns.Add new DataColumn Col2 typeof string dt.Columns.Add new DataColumn Col3 typeof.. new DataColumn Col2 typeof string dt.Columns.Add new DataColumn Col3 typeof string for int i 0 i 3 i DataRow row dt.NewRow..
Get an IDataReader from a typed List http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2258310/get-an-idatareader-from-a-typed-list field in Fields dt.Columns.Add new DataColumn field.Info.Name field.Info.PropertyType return dt public virtual..
C# - Fill a combo box with a DataTable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/256832/c-sharp-fill-a-combo-box-with-a-datatable DataSet Preparation DataTable lTable new DataTable Lang DataColumn lName new DataColumn Language typeof string lTable.Columns.Add.. DataTable lTable new DataTable Lang DataColumn lName new DataColumn Language typeof string lTable.Columns.Add lName for int i 0.. DataSet Preparation DataTable lTable new DataTable Lang DataColumn lName new DataColumn Language typeof string lTable.Columns.Add..
c# (WinForms-App) export DataSet to Excel http://stackoverflow.com/questions/373925/c-sharp-winforms-app-export-dataset-to-excel Sheet1 Write header row writer.WriteStartRow foreach DataColumn col in data.Columns writer.WriteExcelUnstyledCell col.Caption..
Best way to check if a Data Table has a null value in it http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4604414/best-way-to-check-if-a-data-table-has-a-null-value-in-it public static bool HasNull this DataTable table foreach DataColumn column in table.Columns if table.Rows.OfType DataRow .Any r..
Convert DataTable to generic List? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/545328/convert-datatable-to-generic-list T Convert T DataTable table where T class new List Tuple DataColumn PropertyInfo map new List Tuple DataColumn PropertyInfo foreach.. new List Tuple DataColumn PropertyInfo map new List Tuple DataColumn PropertyInfo foreach PropertyInfo pi in typeof T .GetProperties.. if table.Columns.Contains col.FieldName map.Add new Tuple DataColumn PropertyInfo table.Columns col.FieldName pi List T list new..
How To Change DataType of a DataColumn in a DataTable? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9028029/how-to-change-datatype-of-a-datacolumn-in-a-datatable To Change DataType of a DataColumn in a DataTable I have DataTable Table new DataTable SqlConnection.. Table SchemaType.Source adapter.Fill Table DataColumn column DataTable.Columns 0 What I want to do is Assume currently..