c# Programming Glossary: dataadapter
WinForms DataGridView - update database http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2623548/winforms-datagridview-update-database SqlConnection con new SqlConnection conString con.Open SqlDataAdapter ruleTableDA new SqlDataAdapter SELECT rule.fldFluteType AS Flute.. conString con.Open SqlDataAdapter ruleTableDA new SqlDataAdapter SELECT rule.fldFluteType AS Flute rule.fldKnife AS Knife rule.fldScore.. some of the code around it to get to the point using SqlDataAdapter ruleTableDA new SqlDataAdapter SELECT rule.fldFluteType AS Flute..
Accessing Excel Spreadsheet with C# occasionally returns blank value for some cells http://stackoverflow.com/questions/298726/accessing-excel-spreadsheet-with-c-sharp-occasionally-returns-blank-value-for-so the data with a Command string I put the data into a DataAdapter and then I fill a DataSet. I iterate through all the rows dr..
Update requires a valid InsertCommand when passed DataRow collection with new rows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4105420/update-requires-a-valid-insertcommand-when-passed-datarow-collection-with-new-ro this question You must define an InsertCommand for you DataAdapter http www.codeproject.com KB database relationaladonet.aspx ..
In SQL, how to multiply data of two columns for third column http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6531228/in-sql-how-to-multiply-data-of-two-columns-for-third-column at the DataGridView what are the possible solutions I used DataAdapter and DataSet to update the database this.table2TableAdapter.Update..
Data Adapter Vs Sql Command http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6569012/data-adapter-vs-sql-command in executing an insert statement for ms sql database Sql DataAdapter or SQL Command Object Which of them would be better while inserting.. Table1 .NewRow DataSet dsTab new DataSet Table1 SqlDataAdapter adp new SqlDataAdapter Select from Table1 connection adp.Fill.. DataSet dsTab new DataSet Table1 SqlDataAdapter adp new SqlDataAdapter Select from Table1 connection adp.Fill dsTab Table1 dr col1..
Writing large number of records (bulk insert) to Access in .NET/C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7070011/writing-large-number-of-records-bulk-insert-to-access-in-net-c for each row 86.0 seconds Use ADO.NET use DataTable to an DataAdapter for batch insert As background occasionally I need to perform.. Deleted 0 rows from TEMP numRowsDeleted OleDbDataAdapter da new OleDbDataAdapter SELECT FROM TEMP conn da.InsertCommand.. rows from TEMP numRowsDeleted OleDbDataAdapter da new OleDbDataAdapter SELECT FROM TEMP conn da.InsertCommand new OleDbCommand INSERT..
Can sql server queries be really cancelled/killed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7837739/can-sql-server-queries-be-really-cancelled-killed cancel fails no exception is generated. Cmd SqlCommand DA DataAdapter Conn SqlConnection CurrentSearch Thread LongQuery Singleton..