c# Programming Glossary: datafield
Error: Invalid postback or callback argument http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12444946/error-invalid-postback-or-callback-argument #99FF99 AlternatingRowStyle Columns asp BoundField DataField CustomerFullName HeaderText Name SortExpression CustomerFullName.. Name SortExpression CustomerFullName asp BoundField DataField CustomerFullAddress HeaderText Address SortExpression CustomerFullAddress.. Address SortExpression CustomerFullAddress asp BoundField DataField CustomerNeedsBin HeaderText Needs Bin SortExpression CustomerNeedsBin..
How to have userfriendly names for enumerations? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1331487/how-to-have-userfriendly-names-for-enumerations sugar. We can do so by using an anonymous type and the DataField properties on the list asp DropDownList ID myDDL DataTextField..
The data source does not support server-side data paging http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1661292/the-data-source-does-not-support-server-side-data-paging DataSourceID ObjectDataSource1 Columns asp BoundField DataField appID HeaderText appID SortExpression appID Columns asp GridView..
AutoMapper: Mapping between a IDataReader and DTO object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1973351/automapper-mapping-between-a-idatareader-and-dto-object Inherited true AllowMultiple false public sealed class DataFieldMappingAttribute Attribute summary Initializes a new instance.. Attribute summary Initializes a new instance of the DataFieldMappingAttribute class. summary param name fieldName Name of.. that the business object properties maps to. param public DataFieldMappingAttribute string fieldName this.MappedField fieldName..
Bind NameValueCollection to GridView? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/217356/bind-namevaluecollection-to-gridview AutoGenerateColumns False Width 100 Columns asp BoundField DataField Key HeaderText Key asp BoundField DataField Value HeaderText.. asp BoundField DataField Key HeaderText Key asp BoundField DataField Value HeaderText Value Columns asp GridView Any tip most welcome...
GridView sorting: SortDirection always Ascending http://stackoverflow.com/questions/250037/gridview-sorting-sortdirection-always-ascending EnableViewState true Columns asp BoundField DataField Entitycode HeaderText Entity SortExpression Entitycode asp BoundField.. HeaderText Entity SortExpression Entitycode asp BoundField DataField Statusname HeaderText Status SortExpression Statusname asp BoundField.. HeaderText Status SortExpression Statusname asp BoundField DataField Username HeaderText User SortExpression Username Columns asp..
Full postback triggered by LinkButton inside GridView inside UpdatePanel http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4872210/full-postback-triggered-by-linkbutton-inside-gridview-inside-updatepanel Eval Id ' ItemTemplate asp TemplateField asp BoundField DataField Name HeaderText Name asp BoundField DataField LoadDate HeaderText.. BoundField DataField Name HeaderText Name asp BoundField DataField LoadDate HeaderText Load Date asp BoundField DataField EmployeeCutOffDate.. DataField LoadDate HeaderText Load Date asp BoundField DataField EmployeeCutOffDate HeaderText Cut Off Date asp BoundField DataField..
Get text of ASP.NET HyperLinkField in GridView http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5176774/get-text-of-asp-net-hyperlinkfield-in-gridview Team_Name 0 asp BoundField HeaderText Team Captain DataField Team Captains asp CommandField Visible false HeaderText Commands..
How to hide a column (GridView) but still access its value? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5376278/how-to-hide-a-column-gridview-but-still-access-its-value I want to hide and I also want its value asp BoundField DataField Outlook_ID HeaderText OutlookID I tried everything to hide the..
How to apply scroll animations to grid view control http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5753906/how-to-apply-scroll-animations-to-grid-view-control server AutoGenerateColumns false Columns asp BoundField DataField Value Columns asp GridView asp LinkButton ID cmdAddNew runat..
How to implement conditional formatting in a GridView http://stackoverflow.com/questions/661670/how-to-implement-conditional-formatting-in-a-gridview GridView ID MyTable runat server Columns asp BoundField DataField ItemName asp BoundField DataField ItemValue Columns asp GridView.. Columns asp BoundField DataField ItemName asp BoundField DataField ItemValue Columns asp GridView What I want to know is Is there..
Data binding dynamic data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/882214/data-binding-dynamic-data KeyValuePar type. Then set up the Grid to have the column DataField properties to match those of the keys in the Dictionary just..
How to access a xml node with attributes and namespace using selectsinglenode() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1716287/how-to-access-a-xml-node-with-attributes-and-namespace-using-selectsinglenode source_full_info record datafield @tag '520' subfield @code 'a' But i just can't Why i suspect.. string information xmlResource.SelectSingleNode record datafield @tag '520' subfield @code 'a' .InnerText And the xml goes like.. MARC21slim.xsd controlfield tag 001 CKB02166 controlfield datafield tag 520 ind1 ind2 subfield code a Providing access to thousands..
How to paste text using windows paste command to other application in c#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3646605/how-to-paste-text-using-windows-paste-command-to-other-application-in-c time to startup Thread.Sleep 10000 Copy the text in the datafield to Clipboard Clipboard.SetText uxData.Text TextDataFormat.Text..
How to Identify where Instances of an object are Still Referenced? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5818802/how-to-identify-where-instances-of-an-object-are-still-referenced should have a very short lifetime It's basically a datafield class that could be a struct but I preferred to make it a class..