c# Programming Glossary: dataformatstring
Unable to set datetime format in MVC 4 using data annotations http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12109007/unable-to-set-datetime-format-in-mvc-4-using-data-annotations DataType.DateTime DisplayFormat ApplyFormatInEditMode true DataFormatString 0 dd MM yyyy public Nullable DateTime release_date get set razor.. share improve this question You missed 2 things here DataFormatString 0 dd MM yyyy It is dd MM yyyy instead of dd mm yyyy and you.. Name Release Date DataType DataType.Date DisplayFormat DataFormatString 0 dd MM yyyy ApplyFormatInEditMode true public Nullable DateTime..
DisplayFormat ApplyFormatInEditMode http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13253964/displayformat-applyformatineditmode 3 in C# I have a class with this Attribute DisplayFormat DataFormatString 0 dd MMM yyyy ApplyFormatInEditMode true I would like to enforce.. is not in correct format I beleive the problem is in DataFormatString 0 dd MMM yyyy any idea how to fix it c# asp.net asp.net mvc..
How should I use EditorFor() in MVC for a currency/money type? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5080451/how-should-i-use-editorfor-in-mvc-for-a-currency-money-type money share improve this question DisplayFormat DataFormatString 0 F2 ApplyFormatInEditMode true public decimal Cost get set.. which will allow you to DisplayFormat DataFormatString 0 F2 ApplyFormatInEditMode true HtmlProperties CssClass currency..
Assign format of DateTime with data annotations? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5252979/assign-format-of-datetime-with-data-annotations
unobtrusive client validation using fluentvalidation and asp.net mvc LessThanOrEqualTo not firing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9380010/unobtrusive-client-validation-using-fluentvalidation-and-asp-net-mvc-lessthanore class MyViewModel Display Name Start date DisplayFormat DataFormatString 0 yyyy MM dd ApplyFormatInEditMode true public DateTime StartDate..