c# Programming Glossary: datadirectory
Add Controller in MVC4 not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12172074/add-controller-in-mvc4-not-working add name ProjectBuildContext connectionString Data Source DataDirectory DB.sdf providerName System.Data.SqlServerCe.4.0 When I try to.. is add name SchoolContext connectionString Data Source DataDirectory School.sdf providerName System.Data.SqlServerCe.4.0 Then it..
ADO.NET |DataDirectory| where is this documented? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1409358/ado-net-datadirectory-where-is-this-documented DataDirectory where is this documented In AppConfig it is possible to use.. is this documented In AppConfig it is possible to use DataDirectory but I can't find any doc c# ado.net datadirectory share improve.. c# ado.net datadirectory share improve this question DataDirectory is a substitution string so you can configure the location of..
How to set attributes values using reflection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2160476/how-to-set-attributes-values-using-reflection or at least have some special placeholder values like DataDirectory in a connection string which can be resolved at execution time...
The underlying provider failed on Open http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2475008/the-underlying-provider-failed-on-open string quot Data Source . SQL2008 AttachDbFilename DataDirectory NData.mdf Integrated Security True Connect Timeout 30 User Instance..
Can't get sql server compact 3.5 / 4 to work with ASP .NET MVC 2 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3223359/cant-get-sql-server-compact-3-5-4-to-work-with-asp-net-mvc-2 add name NorthWind connectionString data source DataDirectory Nw40.sdf connectionStrings Connect using System.Data.SqlServerCe..
SQL Express Connection string - Relative to application location http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3500829/sql-express-connection-string-relative-to-application-location Databases MyUnitTestDB.mdf .. I have seen the use of DataDirectory but am I correct in thinking this is only applicable to web.. connectionString Server . SQLExpress AttachDbFilename DataDirectory MyDatabase.mdf Database MyDatabaseForTesting Trusted_Connection.. Trusted_Connection Yes In my unit test class I set the DataDirectory property using the following TestInitialize public void TestInitialize..
Variables within app.config/web.config http://stackoverflow.com/questions/603009/variables-within-app-config-web-config section have a kind of placeholder called DataDirectory . Maybe you could have a look at what's at work there... Here's.. . SQLEXPRESS Integrated Security SSPI AttachDBFilename DataDirectory aspnetdb.mdf User Instance true providerName System.Data.SqlClient..