c# Programming Glossary: data2
How do I call a non-static method from a static method in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1360183/how-do-i-call-a-non-static-method-from-a-static-method-in-c in C# I have the following code I want to call data1 from data2 . Is this possible in C# If so how private void data1 private.. in C# If so how private void data1 private static void data2 data1 generates error c# share improve this question You'll..
Best way to store data locally in .NET (C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1941928/best-way-to-store-data-locally-in-net-c up with this Username1 Account1 Data1 data1 Data1 Data2 data2 Data2 Account1 Username1 Username2 Account1 Data1 data1 Data1.. Username1 Username2 Account1 Data1 data1 Data1 Data2 data2 Data2 Account1 Account2 Data1 data1 Data1 Data2 data2 Data2.. data2 Data2 Account1 Account2 Data1 data1 Data1 Data2 data2 Data2 Account2 Username2 As you can see the heirachy is Username..
any can explain the function of stride in bitmapdata? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2004602/any-can-explain-the-function-of-stride-in-bitmapdata PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb BitmapData data2 bit2.LockBits new Rectangle 0 0 bit2.Width bit2.Height ImageLockMode.ReadWrite.. unsafe int remain1 data1.Stride data1.Width 3 int remain2 data2.Stride data2.Width 3 int remain3 data3.Stride data3.Width 3.. data1.Stride data1.Width 3 int remain2 data2.Stride data2.Width 3 int remain3 data3.Stride data3.Width 3 byte ptr1 byte..
Why do we need a private constructor? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2585836/why-do-we-need-a-private-constructor public class MyClass private MyClass object data1 string data2 public MyClass object data1 this data1 null public MyClass string.. MyClass object data1 this data1 null public MyClass string data2 this null data2 public MyClass this null null share improve..
Use convolution to find a reference audio sample in a continuous stream of sound http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5847570/use-convolution-to-find-a-reference-audio-sample-in-a-continuous-stream-of-sound IEnumerable double data1 IEnumerable double data2 out int offset out double maximumNormalizedCrossCorrelation.. var data1Array data1.ToArray var data2Array data2.ToArray double result alglib.corrr1d data1Array data1Array.Length.. var data1Array data1.ToArray var data2Array data2.ToArray double result alglib.corrr1d data1Array data1Array.Length..
Compress large Integers into smallest possible string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5901153/compress-large-integers-into-smallest-possible-string base64 Convert.ToBase64String data 0 8 .Substring 5 6 byte data2 new byte 8 add back in all the characters removed during encoding.. encoding Convert.FromBase64String AAAAA base64 .CopyTo data2 0 reverse again from big to little endian if BitConverter.IsLittleEndian.. little endian if BitConverter.IsLittleEndian Array.Reverse data2 long decoded BitConverter.ToInt64 data2 0 Making it prettier..
Change custom attribute's parameter at runtime http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10046601/change-custom-attributes-parameter-at-runtime Data1 get set MyAttribute Name OldValue2 public string Data2 get set I created instace of class MyEntity. I can change value.. void Test var entity new MyEntity Data1 OldData Data2 OldData PropertyInfo entityProps entity.GetType .GetProperties..
How do I group data in an ASP.NET MVC View? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1160420/how-do-i-group-data-in-an-asp-net-mvc-view specified column. If I have this Category1 Data1 Category1 Data2 Category1 Data3 Category2 Data4 Category2 Data5 Category2 Data6.. reporting software will group it like this Category1 Data1 Data2 Date3 Category2 Data4 Data5 Data6 Is there a way to do this..
How do I call a non-static method from a static method in C#? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1360183/how-do-i-call-a-non-static-method-from-a-static-method-in-c
Read fixed width record from text file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/162727/read-fixed-width-record-from-text-file could look like SomeData0000000000123456SomeMoreData Data2 0000000000555555MoreData I just want to make sure I'm not overlooking..
Best way to store data locally in .NET (C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1941928/best-way-to-store-data-locally-in-net-c and end up with this Username1 Account1 Data1 data1 Data1 Data2 data2 Data2 Account1 Username1 Username2 Account1 Data1 data1.. with this Username1 Account1 Data1 data1 Data1 Data2 data2 Data2 Account1 Username1 Username2 Account1 Data1 data1 Data1 Data2.. Account1 Username1 Username2 Account1 Data1 data1 Data1 Data2 data2 Data2 Account1 Account2 Data1 data1 Data1 Data2 data2..
XML file creation Using XDocument in C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2948255/xml-file-creation-using-xdocument-in-c-sharp i've a list List string sampleList which contains Data1 Data2 Data3... How to create an XML file using XDocument by iterating.. sample date modified info data value Data1 data value Data2 data value Data3 info file Now i'm Using XmlDocument to do this..
Data binding dynamic data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/882214/data-binding-dynamic-data var row new Dictionary string object Field1 Data1 Field2 Data2 Field3 Data3 table.Add row gridControl1.DataSource table gridControl1.RefreshDataSource..