c# Programming Glossary: datagridrow
How can I set the color of a selected row in DataGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1223280/how-can-i-set-the-color-of-a-selected-row-in-datagrid link dg DataGrid.RowStyle Style TargetType x Type dg DataGridRow Style.Triggers Trigger Property IsSelected Value True Setter..
C#/WPF: Toolkit DataGrid - Transpose rows and columns http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1470454/c-wpf-toolkit-datagrid-transpose-rows-and-columns Mode FindAncestor AncestorType x Type toolkit DataGridRow DataTemplate toolkit DataGrid.RowHeaderTemplate toolkit DataGrid..
C# Silverlight Datagrid - Row Color Change http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1509714/c-sharp-silverlight-datagrid-row-color-change incorrectly void dataGrid1_LoadingRow object sender DataGridRowEventArgs e var c e.Row.DataContext as Job if c null c.Status.Contains.. is set to true the DataGrid does not instantiate a DataGridRow object for each data item in the bound data source. Instead.. in the bound data source. Instead the DataGrid creates DataGridRow objects only when they are needed and reuses them as much as..
Proper DataGrid search from TextBox in WPF using MVVM http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15467553/proper-datagrid-search-from-textbox-in-wpf-using-mvvm Column you can modify quite easily . Override the Style of DataGridRow instead of DataGridCell . Style TargetType x Type DataGridRow.. instead of DataGridCell . Style TargetType x Type DataGridRow First pass in the property you want into the IMultiValueConverter.. x Key SearchValueConverter Style TargetType x Type DataGridRow Setter Property local DataGridTextSearch.IsTextMatch Setter.Value..
WPF Toolkit DataGrid SelectionChanged Getting Cell Value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2148978/wpf-toolkit-datagrid-selectionchanged-getting-cell-value e.AddedItems.Count 0 find row for the first selected item DataGridRow row DataGridRow dataGrid.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem.. 0 find row for the first selected item DataGridRow row DataGridRow dataGrid.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem e.AddedItems..
Get row in datagrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8464704/get-row-in-datagrid row in datagrid I tried to get row like this DataGridRow row DataGridRow dataGrid.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex.. in datagrid I tried to get row like this DataGridRow row DataGridRow dataGrid.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex i TextBlock.. the current selected row of the DataGrid public static DataGridRow GetSelectedRow this DataGrid grid return DataGridRow grid.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem..