c# Programming Glossary: d3
How can I read image pixels' values as RGB into 2d array? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10127871/how-can-i-read-image-pixels-values-as-rgb-into-2d-array x y string pixelColorStringValue pixelColor.R.ToString D3 pixelColor.G.ToString D3 pixelColor.B.ToString D3 switch.. pixelColor.R.ToString D3 pixelColor.G.ToString D3 pixelColor.B.ToString D3 switch pixelColorStringValue .. D3 pixelColor.G.ToString D3 pixelColor.B.ToString D3 switch pixelColorStringValue case 255 255 255 white..
Cannot find the memory leak http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13355496/cannot-find-the-memory-leak new BitmapImage new Uri 000 image pageNum 1 .ToString D3 .jpg UriKind.Relative RefreshTextData private void RefreshTextData.. new BitmapImage new Uri 000 image pageNum 1 .ToString D3 .jpg UriKind.Relative RefreshTextData Kinda ashamed to use that..
Binding Image.Source to String in WPF? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2573912/binding-image-source-to-string-in-wpf PL4 bHY8ojD67rc85bK7b3e9MTh9dLo97vd8 D3 Hy96Xe76Nfr H 6f 1bvXooAAAAhdFJOU AJ B0CEAAACHSURBVHjaXI ZFoMgEEMzLCqg1q37Yv..
What is the best way to convert seconds into (Hour:Minutes:Seconds:Milliseconds) time? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/463642/what-is-the-best-way-to-convert-seconds-into-hourminutessecondsmilliseconds secs string answer string.Format 0 D2 h 1 D2 m 2 D2 s 3 D3 ms t.Hours t.Minutes t.Seconds t.Milliseconds share improve..