c# Programming Glossary: datagridcell
Proper DataGrid search from TextBox in WPF using MVVM http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15467553/proper-datagrid-search-from-textbox-in-wpf-using-mvvm PropertyChanged Then create a Style for DataGridCell and create a Setter for the AttachedProperty IsTextMatch using.. x Key SearchValueConverter Style TargetType x Type DataGridCell Setter Property local DataGridTextSearch.IsTextMatch Setter.Value.. easily . Override the Style of DataGridRow instead of DataGridCell . Style TargetType x Type DataGridRow First pass in the property..
WPF Datagrid: Programmatically editing a cell http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1764498/wpf-datagrid-programmatically-editing-a-cell correctly it looks like you want to access and change the DataGridCell content programmatically. Pls check an example below I've added.. be triggered every time new cell s is selected having the DataGridCellInfo object you can get access to the DataGridCell object and.. the DataGridCellInfo object you can get access to the DataGridCell object and change its Content. private void dataGrid1_SelectedCellsChanged..
WPF Toolkit DataGrid SelectionChanged Getting Cell Value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2148978/wpf-toolkit-datagrid-selectionchanged-getting-cell-value e.AddedItems 0 if row null DataGridCellsPresenter presenter GetVisualChild DataGridCellsPresenter row.. row null DataGridCellsPresenter presenter GetVisualChild DataGridCellsPresenter row find grid cell object for the cell with index.. row find grid cell object for the cell with index 0 DataGridCell cell presenter.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex 0 as..
Single click edit in WPF DataGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3426765/single-click-edit-in-wpf-datagrid this question Here is how I resolved this issue DataGrid DataGridCell.Selected DataGrid_GotFocus ItemsSource Binding Source StaticResource.. Containing dummy Person objects . The magic happens there DataGridCell.Selected DataGrid_GotFocus . I simply hook the Selected Event.. sender RoutedEventArgs e Lookup for the source to be DataGridCell if e.OriginalSource.GetType typeof DataGridCell Starts the..
Sort on multiple columns in WPF datagrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6469303/sort-on-multiple-columns-in-wpf-datagrid DependencyObject e.OriginalSource while dep null dep is DataGridCell dep is DataGridColumnHeader dep VisualTreeHelper.GetParent..
Get row in datagrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8464704/get-row-in-datagrid get a cell of a DataGrid by an existing row public static DataGridCell GetCell this DataGrid grid DataGridRow row int column if row.. this DataGrid grid DataGridRow row int column if row null DataGridCellsPresenter presenter GetVisualChild DataGridCellsPresenter row.. row null DataGridCellsPresenter presenter GetVisualChild DataGridCellsPresenter row if presenter null grid.ScrollIntoView row grid.Columns..
Select DataGridCell from DataGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9978119/select-datagridcell-from-datagrid DataGridCell from DataGrid I have a DataGrid WPF control and I want to get.. I have a DataGrid WPF control and I want to get a specific DataGridCell . I know the row and column indices. How can I do this I need.. the row and column indices. How can I do this I need the DataGridCell because I have to have access to its Content. So if I have for..